April 7, 2017


Grade 5 Online Science Assessment Pilot

Message to the Parents or Guardians of Grade 5 Students:


The Connecticut State Department of Education has informed us that students in Grade 5 have been selected to pilot the new online science assessment scheduled for official administration in the spring of 2019. The online assessment will take approximately 60 minutes to administer with an additional 10 minutes for test directions. For students who qualify for accommodations for the Science CMT (administered on 4/5/17), the same accommodations will be provided.

Since this test is a pilot, we do not anticipate any performance information reported back to the district. Brown School will be administering the pilot to Grade 5 students on Monday, May 8.

Should you have any questions please contact me at dahling-henchg@madison.k12.ct.us (203) 245-6326 or Principal Julie Phelps at phelpsj@madison.k12.ct.us (203) 245-6400.


Gail Dahling-Hench
Assistant Superintendent


Brown Middle School

980 Durham Road • Madison, CT 06443 • (203) 245-6400

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