DHHS Humanities: “The Art of Curation”


After learning how to look at and analyze the layers present in various works of visual art throughout the trimester, the students of Mrs. Stott’s and Ms. Corvino’s Humanities course had the opportunity to visit two museums at Yale and collect images of works of art that they found interesting, inviting, moving, etc.  They then learned about and attempted a mini- curation to illustrate a theme, insight, or trend related to either those of the course so far, or to one of their choice. They searched their photos for three works of art that connected thematically, and with our help, found a literary excerpt to match.  Finally, they created a Google Site similar to those found on the Met Museum and Yale websites.  While their exhibits could be stand-alone, students shared their “The Art of Curation: Making a Statement" sites in small groups where their classmates pushed their thinking with questions and observations.  

Sample Student Work  

Student Work 1        Student Work 2 

humanities students pose for a photo outside of yale museum
photo of humanities students looking at art in yale museum
students sit outside of yale museum