Section 7000 Facilities
- 7120 Hazardous Material in Schools
- 7200 Indoor Air Quality
- 7551 Naming / Renaming of School Buildings, Components of Buildings, and / or School Grounds
7120 Hazardous Material in Schools
#7120 Hazardous Material in Schools
Pest Management / Pesticide Application
The Board of Education believes that structural and landscape pests can pose significant hazards to people, property and the environment. Pests are living organisms such as plants, animals or microorganisms, that interfere with human uses for the school site. Strategies for managing pest populations will be influenced by the pest species and the degree to which that population poses a threat to people, property or the environment. Further, the Board also believes that pesticides can also pose hazards to people, property and the environment. The intent of this policy is to ensure the health and safety of students, teachers, staff and all others using district buildings and grounds. The goal of this pest management program is to manage pests in order to:
- Reduce any potential human health hazard and/or to protect against a significant threat to public safety;
- Prevent loss or damage to school structures or property;
- Enhance the quality of life and to provide a safe and healthy learning environment for students, staff and others.
The school district shall incorporate Integrated Pest Management procedures (IPM) to manage structural and landscape pests and the toxic chemicals for their control in order to alleviate pest problems with the least possible hazard to people, property and the environment. In addition, staff, students and the public shall be educated, at least annually, about potential school pest problems and the IPM policies and procedures to be used to achieve the desired pest management objectives. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is the coordinated use of pest and environmental information with available pest control methods to prevent unacceptable levels of pest damage by the most economical means with the least possible hazard.
IPM procedures will determine when to control pests and whether to use mechanical, physical, chemical, cultural or biological means. Chemical controls shall be used as a last resort. The Board establishes that the school district shall use pesticides only after consideration of the full range of alternatives, including no action, based upon an analysis of environmental effects, safety, effectiveness and costs and after consultation with the Town Health Officer. The Superintendent or his / her designee shall be responsible to implement Integrated Pest Management (IPM) procedures and to coordinate communications with members of the staff who are responsible for pest control, such as maintenance personnel and custodians, and hired contractors when utilized by the district to control a pest problem. The Director of Facilities shall be designated as the IPM supervisor and shall direct and supervise all IPM procedures to be carried out by assigned maintenance and / or custodial staff.
All district employees who use chemicals to control a pest problem must be trained and shall follow all precautions and application regulations. The District will only employ certified pesticide applicators for any necessary and non-emergency pesticide use in school building or on school grounds. Contractors hired to do this work shall give evidence of appropriate training and certification in the proper use of pesticides. Pest control contractors shall be utilized, when deemed necessary, to inspect for conditions conducive to pest problems and to develop appropriate prevention measures. Pest control contractors will be expected to write recommendations for structural improvements or repairs and housekeeping and sanitation measures required to reduce or prevent recurrence of pest problems.
Someone other than a certified pesticide applicator may apply a pesticide in an emergency to eliminate an immediate human health threat when (1) it is impractical to obtain the services of a certified pesticide applicator and (2) a restricted use pesticide is not used.
Whenever it is deemed necessary to use a chemical substance, that school must provide notification to all parents and staff who have registered for advanced notification in conformity with state statutes. Parents / guardians and staff requesting advanced notification must be notified on the day of such use by any method practicable. Notices shall also be posted in designated areas at school at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the application.
At the beginning of each school year and at the time a student is registered, parents / guardians shall be informed of the District's pest management policy. Those parents / guardians and staff who register a request shall be notified prior to every pesticide application.
Information regarding pesticides used and areas treated shall be maintained for a period of five years at the school site and available to the public and staff upon request. The district shall establish and maintain accurate records of all chemical use and their location. In addition, records of all pest control actions including information on indicators of pest activity that can verify the need for action.
Pesticide applications shall be limited to non-school hours and when activities are not taking place.
Beginning January 1, 2006 the application of lawn care pesticides on the grounds of schools with students in grades 8 or lower must be according to an integrated pest management plan (IPM). Such application is prohibited starting July 1, 2009 except in emergencies. An emergency application may be made to eliminate a human health threat in any school with students through grade 8 as determined by the Superintendent of Schools.
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
10-231b. Pesticide applications at schools: Authorized applicators. Exception.
10-231c. Pesticide applications at schools without an integrated
22a-46. Short title: Connecticut Pesticide Control Act.
22a-54. Pesticide applicators, certification, classification, notice, fees, reciprocity; financial responsibility; aircraft, tree, public employee applicators.
22a-58. Records to be kept by distributors and applicators.
23-61b. Licensing for arboriculture; examination; fees; renewal; suspension, revocation. Nonresidents. Records. Pesticides.
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) 7 U.S. Code 136 et seq.
Date of Adoption: November 4, 1999
Date of Revision: February 8, 2006
Date of Revision: August 21, 2007
7200 Indoor Air Quality
#7200 Indoor Air Quality
The Board of Education recognizes that the maintenance of indoor air quality essential to the creation and maintenance of an appropriate learning environment.
Indoor Air Quality in Existing Facilities
The Superintendent or designee shall implement an indoor air quality program that provides for ongoing maintenance and facility reviews, in accordance with all applicable state statutes, necessary for the maintenance and improvement of the indoor air quality of all Madison Public Schools’ facilities and shall develop regulations to implement this program. The Board directs the Superintendent to establish an indoor air quality committee to increase staff and student awareness of facets of the environment that affect the health of the occupants of school facilities including, but not limited to, air quality, water quality, and the presence of radon. Membership on the committee shall be in accordance with state statute.
The District shall report biennially, in a manner as required, to the Commissioner of Education on the conditions of its facilities, its long range facilities program, its air quality program, and green cleaning program.
Prior to January 1, 2008 and every five (5) years thereafter, for any district facility that has been constructed, extended, renovated or replaced on or after January 1, 2003, the Board of Education shall provide for a uniform inspection and evaluation program of indoor air quality within such buildings. The inspection and evaluation program shall include, but not be limited to, a review, inspection and / or evaluation that addresses all aspects of indoor air quality set forth in Conn. Gen. Stat. sec. 10-220 (d). The results of this evaluation shall be made available for public inspection at a regularly scheduled board meeting and also posted on the District’s website.
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems shall be maintained in accordance with the prevailing maintenance standards at the time of installation or renovation. The Board directs the Superintendent or designee to ensure that such systems shall be operated continuously during the hours in which students or school personnel occupy school facilities except in the case of scheduled or emergency maintenance, or when it can be demonstrated that the quantity of outdoor air supplied by a non-mechanically driven air supply system meets the applicable requirement for air changes per hour.
Records shall be maintained on the maintenance of the district’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems for a period of not less than five (5) years.
Indoor Air Quality in New or Renovated Facilities
In order to secure appropriate indoor air quality in District schools, whenever new facilities are constructed or existing facilities are renovated, the Board of Education shall require the architect or design professional responsible for the construction project to address all site assessments and indoor air quality requirements as set forth in state statute.
(c.f. #7120 Hazardous Material in Schools)
Legal reference:
10-220(d) Duties of boards of education, (as amended by P.A. 09-81)
10-231(f) Indoor air quality committees
10-282(19) Definitions
10-283 Applications for grants for school building projects
10-286(a)(9) Computation of school building project grants
10-291 Approval of plans and site. Expense limit.
10-292 Review of final plans by Commissioner of Education. Exceptions; role of local officials.
10-231g Green Cleaning Program at schools: Definitions, Implementation, Notice.
P.A. 03-220 An Act Concerning Indoor Air Quality in Schools
Date of Adoption: January 20, 2004
Date of Revision: April 1, 2014
7551 Naming / Renaming of School Buildings, Components of Buildings, and / or School Grounds
#7551 Naming/Renaming of School Buildings, Components of Buildings, and/or School Grounds
The naming and/or renaming of school buildings, major portions of buildings (e.g., media center, auditorium, gymnasium, field, etc.) and/or school grounds is the responsibility of the Madison Board of Education (the “Board”). In fulfilling this responsibility, the Board will consider community preferences. The decision will be based upon the Board’s assessment of the special significance of a name or, in the case of an individual, exceptional service to the children of Madison. Such recognition requires substantial support and comprehensive review.
It is the policy of the Board to name school buildings as close as possible to the time construction begins in order to lessen any confusion about new schools. When naming or renaming new buildings, major portions of buildings, or school grounds, the Board shall formally identify the need for a naming process, if any, for the identified location. The names of buildings that are not regularly used by students may be generic (e.g., Maintenance Building) and may be named by the Board of Education.
The Board shall establish a committee, consistent with Board Policy 9460, to expedite and facilitate the Board’s decision regarding whether and how to name a new building, major portions of a building, or school grounds. The Board shall seek the advice of the Superintendent before establishing or dissolving a committee. Such committee shall be established and dissolved by Board vote, and the members of the committee shall be appointed by the Board. The committee shall be comprised of the Chair of the Board of Education (ex officio), Superintendent (ex officio), one or more Board members, the building principal, faculty members, parents/guardians, community members, and, if appropriate, students.
The Board will establish the scope of and schedule for the committee’s work, which shall include, but not be limited to, recommending potential names for consideration by the Board and any criteria the Board wishes to be considered in the process.
At a minimum, if any of the committee’s suggestions reflect the name of an individual, such individual must be shown to have had a broad-based, long-term impact on the Madison Public Schools (the “District”) and its community. Individuals to be considered shall (1) have served in the continuous employ of the Madison Board of Education for an extended period, usually in excess of ten years, with the name being submitted after the individual’s separation from compensated service for a minimum period of one year, or (2) be a non‑employee of the Madison Board of Education who has made an exceptional contribution to the children of Madison for an extended period; or (3) after a historically significant figure. Particular attention shall be given to local candidates with a record of outstanding achievement and public service, as evidenced by at least ten (10) letters of recommendation.
The committee shall follow the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act as required by state law. In addition, opportunities for public input must be made available prior to the committee's recommendation to the Board. Such opportunities for public input must be publicly announced in newspapers and on the District website.
The committee shall propose a list of not more than five (5) names to the Board for Board consideration. It shall present its recommendation to the Board in accordance with Board bylaws and policies.
The Board retains the right to make the final determination in the naming of school buildings, major portions of buildings, or school grounds. This policy notwithstanding, it is the intent of the Board that the naming of major portions of buildings and school grounds occur infrequently and on a limited basis.
Similarly, the Board will consider renaming a school building, major portions of a building, or schools grounds only after determining that a current name is no longer appropriate, as indicated by 2/3 affirmative votes of the membership of the Board of Education.
(cf. 9460 Advisory Committees)
(cf. 9540.8 Voting Method)
Date of Adoption: October 2, 1984 as 7144
Date of Revision: May 17, 1988
Date of Revision: February 26, 2002
Date of Revision: January 24, 2023