Section 9000 District Policies and Board of Education ByLaws
- 9210 Role of Board and Members
- 9220.2 Board Member Oath of Office
- 9220.3 Filling Vacancies on the Board
- 9220.4 Removal of Board Officers
- 9300 Code of Conduct for Board Members
- 9310 Conflict of Interest
- 9325.43 Attendance at Meetings via Electronic Communications
- 9420 Officers
- 9440 Board - Superintendent Relationship
- 9450 Committees
- 9490 Student Representatives
- 9510 Regular Board Meetings
- 9530 Public Meetings and Executive Session
- 9540 Transaction of Business
- 9540.2 Construction and Posting of Agenda
- 9540.3 Quorum and Voting Procedures
- 9540.5 Parliamentarian
- 9540.9 Minutes
- 9540.10 Meeting Conduct
- 9540.12 Broadcasting / Taping of Meetings
- 9600 Formulation, Adoption, Amendment Or Deletion of Bylaws and Policies
- 9640 Formulation, Adoption, Amendment Or Deletion of Administrative Regulations
- 9660 Suspension of Policies, Bylaws Or Administrative Regulations
- 9820.1 Board Member Conferences, Conventions, and Workshops
- 9840 Reimbursement of Board Member Expenses
9210 Role of Board and Members
#9210 Role of Board and Members
- General Duties
- The Madison Board of Education (the “Board”) represents the residents of Madison, Connecticut (the “Town”), in carrying out the mandates of the Connecticut General Statutes pertaining to education.
- The Board shall determine all questions of general policy to be employed in the conduct of the schools.
- In determining school policy, the Board shall:
- hear and consider facts and recommendations;
- adopt a plan, policy or course of action; and
- authorize the Superintendent of Schools, its chief executive officer, to carry out its policy.
- Specific Powers and Duties
The Board shall have authority to take all action necessary or advisable to meet its responsibilities under the Connecticut General Statutes and Madison Town Charter including but not limited to the following:
- To create, abolish, modify and maintain such positions, schools, divisions and classifications as may be necessary for the efficient administration of the educational enterprise.
- To elect a Superintendent of Schools in accordance with the Connecticut General Statutes.
- To consider and adopt an annual budget, prepared by the Superintendent of Schools.
- To determine the number, classification, duties and remuneration of employees.
- To establish policies for employment, promotion and dismissal of personnel in accordance with the Connecticut General Statutes.
- To provide for the appraisal of the efficiency of personnel.
- To provide for the proper maintenance of facilities; initiate and approve the acquisition and disposition of school sites; and initiate and approve plans for school buildings.
- To consider any specific recommendations made by the Superintendent of Schools.
- To keep the citizenry informed of the purposes, values, conditions and needs of public education in the Town.
- To develop and regularly review the District's Mission and Vision Statement, the provisions of which shall be carried out by the Superintendent of Schools. The Missions and Vision Statement shall be adopted by a 2/3 vote of the full Board.
- To establish a curriculum committee to recommend, develop, review and approve all curriculum for the district.
- To take any other actions required or permitted by law.
- To make reasonable provision to implement the educational interests of the State, as defined by law, so that
- each child shall have for the period prescribed in the Connecticut General Statutes equal opportunity to receive a suitable program of educational experiences;
- the school district shall finance at a reasonable level an educational program designed to achieve this end;
- the school district shall provide educational opportunities for its students to interact with students and teachers from other racial, ethnic and economic backgrounds; and
- the mandates in the Connecticut General Statutes pertaining to education within the jurisdiction of the State Board of Education shall be implemented.
Legal References:
Connecticut General Statutes
- 1-200 Definitions (public agency)
- 10-4a Educational interest of state identified
- 10-4b Complaint alleging failure or inability of board of education to implement educational interests of state. Investigation; inquiry; hearing. Remedial process. Regulations
- 10-220 Duties of boards of education
- 10-221 Board of education to prescribe rules, policies and procedures
- 10-241 Powers of school districts
Date of Adoption: March 5, 2024
Date of Revision: January 7, 2025
9220.2 Board Member Oath of Office
#9220.2 Board Member Oath of Office
Oath of Office
Members of the Board of Education shall, before entering upon their official duties, take the oath of office provided in Connecticut General Statutes Section 1-25.
Legal Reference:
Connecticut General Statutes
10-218a Oath of office
1-25 Forms of oaths
Date of Adoption: March 7, 1995
Date of Revision: January 24, 2023
9220.3 Filling Vacancies on the Board
#9220.3 Filling Vacancies on the Board (Formerly Board Member Resignation)
Board Member Resignation
If a Board member ceases to be an elector of the Town, they thereupon cease to hold elected office in the Town and shall submit a notice of resignation. Resignations for this or any other reason require a written statement of resignation. Upon receipt of a Board member's written resignation, the Board will acknowledge the resignation at the next scheduled meeting coinciding with or next following the receipt of the written resignation. The Board will then accept the resignation by formal action and declare the Board position vacant unless the resignation is withdrawn any time prior to the Board's action.
If a vacancy occurs on the Board, the Board of Selectmen shall fill by appointment the vacancy until the completion of the vacated term in accordance with the requirements set forth in Section 6.6 of the Madison Town Charter. The Board shall accept the appointment at a regular meeting or special meeting convened for that purpose.
Date of Adoption: August 22, 2023
9220.4 Removal of Board Officers
#9220.4 Removal of Board Officers
(formerly Board Member Removal from Office)
It is the policy of the Madison Board of Education (the “Board”) that officers of the Board will:
- adhere to all Board policies, rules and regulations;
- conduct themselves in a fair and impartial manner; and
- carry out the duties of their respective offices in accordance with law.
An officer of the Board may be removed for cause by a 2/3 vote of the entire Board. A vote to remove a Board officer shall only take place at a regular meeting or a special meeting called for that purpose. “Cause,” which means a reasonable ground for removal, includes, but is not limited to, any conduct that:
- specifically relates to and affects the administration of the office in a manner deemed to be deleterious to Board operations;
- negatively and directly affects the rights and interests of the public;
- violates Board policies, rules and regulations;
- interferes with the orderly and efficient operation of the Board; or
- failure to serve as defined in Section 6.5 of the Madison Town Charter.
Procedures for Removal
The following procedures shall be used in lieu of any procedures set forth in Robert’s Rules of Order with respect to any proposed action to remove or take other disciplinary action regarding an officer of the Board for cause:
- The Board shall review the performance and/or conduct of an officer of the Board in open or executive session (as determined by the Board and the Board officer in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act) at a regular or special meeting of the Board, prior to initiating any action to remove or take other disciplinary action regarding a Board officer for cause.
- If the Board determines as a result of such discussion that formal action is necessary, the Board shall provide the Board officer with:
- reasonable written notice of the Board’s intent to consider removal or other disciplinary action, including the factual basis for the claimed “cause” for removal of the officer from office, with such notice to be provided after being authorized by a 2/3 vote of those Board members present and voting; and
- an informal opportunity to be heard by the Board regarding such possible removal or other disciplinary action, at which the Board officer shall have the right to be represented by counsel at the Board member’s own expense and to present relevant evidence to the Board. The informal opportunity to be heard shall take place in open or executive session (as determined by the Board and the Board officer in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act) at a regular or special meeting of the Board.
- Any action to remove or take other disciplinary action regarding a Board officer for cause following such informal hearing shall require an affirmative vote by 2/3 of all members of the Board.
Service as a Board officer is a privilege, the purpose of which is to assist the Board in conducting its business in an appropriate, orderly and efficient manner. Therefore, any Board member serving as an officer shall have no legally protected right to continue in that position.
Legal References:
Connecticut General Statutes
10-218 Officers. Meetings.
10-220 Duties of boards of education.
LaPointe v. Board of Education of the Town of Winchester, 274 Conn. 806 (2005).
Date of Adoption: March 7, 1995
Reviewed November 29, 2022 – no changes proposed
Date of Revision: June 6, 2023
9300 Code of Conduct for Board Members
#9300 Code of Conduct for Board Members
It is the policy of the Madison Board of Education (the “Board”) that all members of the Board will:
- adhere to all Board policies, rules and regulations;
- conduct themselves in a fair and impartial manner;
- refrain from interfering with the implementation of a Board policy decision by the administration;
- refrain from interfering with the duties of any school district official; and
- refrain from divulging to anyone any aspect of matters considered and discussed in executive session.
Each member of the Board shall act in complete accordance with the provisions and tenor of this policy. Should any member of the Board fail to so act, such failure shall constitute cause for censure or other such disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the Board.
Procedures for Censure or Other Disciplinary Action
The following procedures shall be used in lieu of any procedures set forth in Robert’s Rules of Order with respect to any proposed action to censure or take other disciplinary action regarding a Board member for cause:
- The Board shall review the performance and/or conduct of the Board member in open or executive session (as determined by the Board and the Board member in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act) at a regular or special meeting of the Board, prior to initiating any action to censure or take other disciplinary action regarding a Board member for cause. Such review must be added to a regular meeting agenda prior to its formal posting.
- If the Board determines as a result of such discussion that censure or other disciplinary action concerning a Board member may be appropriate, the Board, after being authorized by a two-thirds vote of those Board members present and voting, shall provide the Board member with:
- reasonable written notice of the Board’s intent to consider censure or other disciplinary action, including the factual basis for the claimed ”cause” for the censure or disciplinary action against the member ; and
- an informal opportunity to be heard by the Board regarding such possible censure or other disciplinary action, at which the Board member shall have the right to be represented by counsel at the Board member’s own expense and to present relevant evidence to the Board. The informal opportunity to be heard shall take place in open or executive session (as determined by the Board and the Board member in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act) at a regular or special meeting of the Board.
- Any action to censure or take other disciplinary action regarding a Board member for cause following such informal hearing shall require an affirmative vote by two-thirds of all members of the Board.
Legal References:
Connecticut General Statutes
10-220 Duties of boards of education.
Date of Approval: May 21, 2024
9310 Conflict of Interest
#9310 Conflict of Interest
- No member of the Madison Board of Education (the “Board”) shall be employed for compensation by the Board in any position in the school system.
- If any member of the Board is employed contrary to the provisions of this bylaw, the office to which the Board member was elected or appointed shall become vacant.
- In such instances where a Board member may have or appear to have a pecuniary interest in a contract with the District, the Board member shall declare it in open session and shall take such conflict into consideration prior to voting.
Legal Reference:
Connecticut General Statutes
10-232 Restrictions on employment of members of board of education
Date of Adoption: May 21, 2024
9325.43 Attendance at Meetings via Electronic Communications
#9325.43 Time, Place and Notice of Meetings
(Formerly Attendance at Meetings via Electronic Communications)
- Regular Meetings
- The Madison Board of Education (the “Board”) shall set a calendar of regular meetings for the ensuing year at the first regular meeting in November.
- In compliance with the Connecticut General Statutes, Board of Education Clerk shall file this calendar with the Town Clerk, and post this calendar on the Board’s Internet web site, if available, 30 days prior to the first Board meeting in January.
- Normally the Board shall schedule regular meetings two times each month with the exception of July, August, December and February. If at any point in the meeting the Board should not maintain a quorum, then the Chairperson of the Board will adjourn the meeting and declare the time and place of the resumption of the meeting, which shall be reflected in a written order of adjournment. A copy of the written order of adjournment will be posted on or near the door of the place where the meeting was held within twenty-four hours after the time of adjournment.
- If, in accordance with applicable law, the Board conducts a regular meeting by means of electronic equipment, the Board shall provide, at least forty-eight (48) hours before the meeting, direct notification in writing or by electronic transmission to each member of the Board and post a notice that the Board intends to conduct the meeting solely or in part by means of electronic equipment in the Administrative Offices of the Board, in the office of the Town Clerk, and on the Board’s Internet web site. Such notice shall include instructions for the public to attend and provide comment or otherwise participate in the meeting, by means of electronic equipment or in person, as applicable and permitted by law.
- Special Meetings
- Special meetings may be held when determined by the Board, when so called by the Chairperson, or within fourteen (14) days upon written request of three members of the Board.
- No special meeting shall be held unless a notice stating the time, place and purpose of the meeting has been given to each member and to the Town Clerk, and has been posted on the Board’s Internet web site, if available, twenty-four (24) hours before the time stated for the meeting to convene.
- If, in accordance with applicable law, the Board holds a special meeting conducted solely or in part by means of electronic equipment, notice of such meeting shall include whether the meeting will be conducted solely or in part by means of electronic equipment. If such meeting is to be conducted by means of electronic equipment, such notice shall include instructions for the public, by means of electronic equipment or in person, to attend and provide comment or otherwise participate in the meeting, as applicable and permitted by law.
- When a majority of the members agree that an emergency exists which has made a regular notice impossible, such a meeting may be called at a time or place which may be most convenient. In case of such emergency meeting, a copy of the minutes setting forth the nature of the emergency and the proceedings occurring at such meeting shall be filed with the Town Clerk [Regional School District Option: with the Town Clerk of each municipal member of the school district] no later than seventy-two (72) hours following the holding of such a meeting.
- Meeting Time and Place
- All regular meetings of the Board shall begin at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as a quorum is present.
- Special Meetings (non-emergency) of the Board shall be held at a time and place to be determined and announced in advance of meeting.
Legal References:
Connecticut General Statutes
Public Act 22-3, “An Act Concerning Remote Meetings Under the Freedom of Information Act."
1-225 Meetings of government agencies to be public. Recording of votes. Schedule and agenda of certain meetings to be filed and posted on web sites. Notice of special meetings. Executive sessions
1-228 Adjournment of meetings. Notice
1-229 Continued hearings. Notice
1-230 Regular meetings to be held pursuant to regulation, ordinance or resolution
7-3 Warning of town and other meetings
7-4 Record of warning
10-218 Officers. Meetings
Date of Adoption: January 24, 2023
9420 Officers
#9420 Officers (formerly Board Officers)
The Madison Board of Education (the “Board”) shall, not later than one month after the date on which newly elected members take office, elect from its own members a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson and a Secretary. These officers shall comprise/form the Executive Committee.
The votes of each member cast in such election shall be reduced to writing and made available for public inspection within forty-eight hours, excluding Saturday, Sunday, or legal holidays, and shall also be recorded in the minutes of such meeting at which taken, which minutes shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times.
If such officers are not chosen after one month from the date on which newly elected members take office because of a tie vote of the members, the town council, or, if there is no town council, the selectmen of the town shall choose such officers from the membership of the Board.
Officers shall hold their respective offices for two years, and until their successors are duly elected.
Should a vacancy arise in an office of the Board during the term of a Board officer’s service, the members of the Board (including, if applicable, the member vacating a Board office) shall elect a successor to fill the office until the next regular election for Board officers. Such votes shall be reduced to writing, recorded, and made available for public inspection as described above.
Official Duties of the Chairperson
The Chairperson shall preside at all of the meetings of the Madison Board of Education (the “Board”).
The Chairperson shall serve as the Board's spokesperson.
The Chairperson shall sign such documents on behalf of the Board that require their signature.
The Chairperson shall represent the Board in deliberations with other boards, districts, or agencies unless another member of the board is so designated.
The Chairperson shall appoint the chair and members of all special and temporary committees and shall appoint Board members to administrative committees and committees of other agencies (CABE, LEARN Regional Service Center).
The Chairperson shall serve as an ex officio member on all committees, and will be a non-voting member of such committees with the exception of superintendent search committees.
The Chairperson shall act as the Board’s representative for the purposes of consultation with Board legal counsel when appropriate, and may authorize other Board members to consult with Board counsel when appropriate.
The Chairperson shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to the Chairperson by the Board.
Official Duties of the Vice Chairperson
In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson shall assume and carry out the duties and responsibilities of the Chairperson.
Official Duties of the Secretary
The Secretary of the Madison Board of Education (the “Board”) shall keep minutes or cause minutes to be kept of all meetings of the Board, and shall cause copies of such minutes to be forwarded to each member of the Board.
In accordance with the Connecticut General Statutes, the Board Secretary shall cause a copy of the minutes of all Board meetings to be placed on file in the Board Office and posted on the Board’s Internet web site, if available, no later than seven (7) days after the date on which the Board shall have met. Such minutes will be available for public inspection, except that such minutes will not be termed "official minutes" until approved by the Board at a duly convened meeting of the Board.
The Board Secretary shall also make provision that members of the Board are notified of all regular and special meetings.
The Board Secretary shall attend to the official correspondence of the Board.
The Board Secretary shall submit to the Town at its annual meetings a report of the doings of the Board.
Legal Reference:
Connecticut General Statutes
- 10-218 Officers. Meetings.
- 1-225 Meetings of government agencies to be public. Recording of votes. Schedule and agenda of certain meetings to be filed and posted on web sites. Notice of special meetings. Executive sessions
- 7-3 Warning of town and other meetings
- 7-4 Record of warning
- 10-224 Duties of the secretary
- 10-225 Salaries of secretary and attendance officers
Date of Adoption: December 1, 2020
Date of Revision: August 22, 2023
9440 Board - Superintendent Relationship
#9440 Board - Superintendent Relationship
The Board of Education believes that the legislation of policies is a function of the School Board and that the execution of the policies should be the function of the Superintendent of Schools.
While the Board reserves to itself the ultimate decision of all matters concerning policy and expenditures of funds, delegation by the Board of its executive powers to the Superintendent provides flexibility for the Superintendent to manage the school system according to the provisions of the Board's policies and decisions, and allows Board members to devote their time to policy making and appraisal functions.
The Board holds the Superintendent responsible for the administration of its policies and regulations, the execution of Board actions and decisions, the operation of schools and for keeping the Board informed about school system activities, operations, and concerns.
The Board will strive to procure, when a vacancy exists, the best professional leader available for the Superintendent's position. The Board as a whole, and individual members, will:
- give the Superintendent complete administrative authority for properly discharging all professional and legal responsibilities and duties;
- hold all meetings of the board in the presence of the Superintendent except when the Superintendent's contract and salary are under consideration;
- refer all concerns to the Superintendent for appropriate investigation and action; and
- provide adequate safeguards for the Superintendent and the Superintendent's staff members so they can discharge their professional and legal responsibilities and duties.
The Superintendent will assist the Board in making decisions and establishing policies by giving Board members relevant facts, information, and reports. The Superintendent may not perform, cause, or allow to be performed any act that is unlawful, in violation of commonly accepted business and professional ethics, in violation of any contracts into which the Board has entered, or in violation of policies and regulations adopted by the Board.
Date of Adoption: January 3, 1995
Date of Revision: April 23, 2024
9450 Committees
#9450 Committees
- The Madison Board of Education (the “Board”) shall act as a committee of the whole on all matters coming before it except that special/advisory committees for the consideration or investigation of certain problems, or for the performance of certain Board functions, may be created by vote of the Board.
- Such special/advisory committees shall submit their reports at such regular meetings of the Board as may be determined, and when such reports have been submitted and accepted by the Board, shall be discharged.
- All special/advisory committee reports affecting Board policy shall be submitted in writing.
- A special/advisory committee’s only authority is to make recommendations to the Board regarding matters that that have been referred to it, unless the Board specifically authorizes otherwise, and such action conforms to the Connecticut General Statutes.
- Meetings of committees shall be posted in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. A record shall be maintained by the chairperson of each committee of each meeting, which shall include the names of committee members in attendance, listing of topics discussed and committee recommendations.
- The Superintendent shall notify all Board members of committee meetings.
- An Executive Committee consisting of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson and the Secretary shall be a standing committee of the Board.
- The Executive Committee shall meet with the Superintendent as requested by the Superintendent or as directed by the Chairperson to review matters related to administrative, personnel, pupil personnel, issues and general matters not requiring action of the Board as a whole.
- Other responsibilities of the Executive Committee include:
- Long-range agenda planning
- Facilitating communication between the Superintendent and Board members.
- Standing Committees
In addition to the Executive Committee, the Board of Education shall have five (5) standing committees as follows: Curriculum and Student Development Committee, Facilities Committee, Finance Committee, Personnel Committee and Policy Committee.
The following rules apply specifically to standing committees:
- Standing committee chairpersons and members on standing committees shall serve for the same term as the Board Chairperson.
- No board member may chair more than one standing committee.
- The Board Chairperson shall designate standing committee members, subject to Board action. Board members interested in serving or a particular standing committee shall notify the chairperson.
Duties of Standing Committees
Standing committees are assigned regular duties as described below.
Curriculum and Student Development Committee
- Recommend to the Board curriculum revisions, additions, and deletions submitted by the superintendent.
- Monitor the effectiveness of the curriculum in achieving Board goals and objectives.
- Monitor progress and report regularly to the full Board regarding District curriculum and programmatic initiatives.
- Review instructional technology plans to provide for district programmatic and curriculum needs.
Facilities Committee
- Develop Planned and Cycled Maintenance 10-year plan for operational improvements and oversee implementation.
- Make recommendations to the Board on the effective utilization of all buildings and grounds to address educational programming, school safety and school security.
- Receive periodic reports from the Superintendent and the District Facilities Director regarding maintenance projects, facilities project progress and other facilities-related matters.
Finance Committee
- Review, deliberate, and adjust the budget, proposed by the administration, for the operation of the district for the upcoming school year.
- Recommend to the entire Board a budget which in the committee’s view supports the goals and objectives of the district for the upcoming school year.
- Recommend projects for the Capital Improvement Program.
- Serve as an advocate for the budget adopted by the Board during the town budget adoption process.
- Oversee the ongoing financial status of the district budget during each school year.
- Recommend action to the entire Board that the committee deems appropriate concerning the fiscal affairs of the district.
Personnel Committee
- Negotiate contracts with administration, professional staff, and non-certified personnel toward the goal of reaching a fair and equitable agreement.
- Maintain confidentiality while negotiations are ongoing.
- Research the Board’s position referring to current and local data to substantiate proposals.
- Work with the Board to set parameters within which to negotiate.
- Keep the Board apprised of the negotiations process.
- Present a package of negotiated items for the Board’s approval.
Policy Committee
- Formulate policies to be presented to entire Board for action.
- Suggest amendments to / revisions of existing policies.
- Serve as a resource to provide policy reference to other board members.
- Regularly review Board policies.
- Review legislative updates to ensure district policy compliance.
Legal Reference
Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-218 Officers. Meetings
Date of Adoption: December 12, 2023
9490 Student Representatives
#9490 Student Representatives
The Madison Board of Education (the “Board”) shall appoint two students from Daniel Hand High School, to serve as student representatives. The student representatives will report to the student body on the deliberations of the Board of Education.
Student representatives shall attend all public Board of Education meetings in a non-voting capacity. The Board reserves the right to dismiss a student representative by an affirmative vote of 2/3 of the whole Board and call for the selection of a new member.
The two student representatives will not attend executive sessions of the Board of Education, nor will they have access to associated backup material.
The following guidelines will be followed for selection of the student representatives:
- Students interested in the role of Student Representative will submit an application to the high school principal.
- A committee comprised of relevant stakeholders including a member of the Board shall review all applications and select a candidate.
- It is understood that one student should be a member of the senior class and one student should be a member of the junior class.
Date of Adoption: September 15, 1987 [as 9022 (a)]
1st Revision: March 7, 1995
Date of Revision: May 21, 2024
9510 Regular Board Meetings
#9510 Time, Place, and Notice of Meetings
This policy replaces 9510 Regular Board Meetings, 9520 Special Board Meetings, 9540.1 Notification of Board Meetings .
- Regular Meetings
- The Madison Board of Education (the “Board”) shall set a calendar of regular meetings for the ensuing year at the first regular meeting in December.
- In compliance with the Connecticut General Statutes, the Chairperson or Chairperson’s designee shall file this calendar with the Town Clerk, and post this calendar on the Board’s Internet web site on or before January 31.
- Normally the Board shall schedule regular meetings on the first and third Tuesday of each month of the year except during school holidays, when the Board shall schedule no regular meetings.
- If at any point in the meeting the Board should not maintain a quorum, then the Chairperson of the Board will adjourn the meeting and declare the time and place of the resumption of the meeting, which shall be reflected in a written order of adjournment. A copy of the written order of adjournment will be posted on or near the door of the place where the meeting was held within twenty-four hours after the time of adjournment.
- If, in accordance with applicable law, the Board conducts a regular meeting by means of electronic equipment, the Board shall provide, at least forty-eight (48) hours before the meeting, direct notification in writing or by electronic transmission to each member of the Board and post a notice that the Board intends to conduct the meeting solely or in part by means of electronic equipment in the Administrative Offices of the Board, in the office of the Town Clerk, and on the Board’s Internet web site. Such notice shall include instructions for the public to attend and provide comment or otherwise participate in the meeting, by means of electronic equipment or in person, as applicable and permitted by law.
- Special Meetings
- Special meetings may be held when determined by the Board, when so called by the Chairperson, or within fourteen (14) days upon written request of three members of the Board.
- No special meeting shall be held unless a notice stating the time, place and purpose of the meeting has been given to each member and to the Town Clerk, and has been posted on the Board’s Internet web site, if available, twenty-four (24) hours before the time stated for the meeting to convene.
- If, in accordance with applicable law, the Board holds a special meeting conducted solely or in part by means of electronic equipment, notice of such meeting shall include whether the meeting will be conducted solely or in part by means of electronic equipment. If such meeting is to be conducted by means of electronic equipment, such notice shall include instructions for the public, by means of electronic equipment or in person, to attend and provide comment or otherwise participate in the meeting, as applicable and permitted by law.
- When a majority of the members agree that an emergency exists which has made a regular notice impossible, such a meeting may be called at a time or place which may be most convenient. In case of such emergency meeting, a copy of the minutes setting forth the nature of the emergency and the proceedings occurring at such meeting shall be filed with the Town Clerk no later than seventy-two (72) hours following the holding of such a meeting.
- Meeting Time and Place
- All regular meetings of the Board shall begin at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as a quorum is present. All regular meetings of the Board shall be held in Central Office, unless otherwise ordered by the Board.
- Special Meetings (non-emergency) of the Board shall be held at a time and place to be determined and announced in advance of meeting.
Legal References:
Connecticut General Statutes
- Public Act 22-3, “An Act Concerning Remote Meetings Under the Freedom of Information Act.”
- 1-225 Meetings of government agencies to be public. Recording of votes. Schedule and agenda of certain meetings to be filed and posted on web sites. Notice of special meetings. Executive sessions
- 1-228 Adjournment of meetings. Notice
- 1-229 Continued hearings. Notice
- 1-230 Regular meetings to be held pursuant to regulation, ordinance or resolution
- 7-3 Warning of town and other meetings
- 7-4 Record of warning
- 10-218 Officers. Meetings
Date of Adoption: January 23, 2024
9530 Public Meetings and Executive Session
#9530 Public Meetings and Executive Session
(formerly #9530 Executive Sessions/Open Meetings)
- Public Meetings
- All meetings of the Madison Board of Education (the “Board”) for the official transaction of business shall be open to the public except that the Board may, by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting, meet in executive session for the purposes specified in Conn. Gen. Stat. §§ 1-225 and 1-200(6).
- As defined by statute, the term "meeting" shall not include: any meeting of a personnel search committee for executive level employment candidates; any chance meeting, or a social meeting neither planned nor intended for the purpose of discussing matters relating to official business; strategy or negotiations with respect to collective bargaining; a caucus of members of a single political party notwithstanding that such members also constitute a quorum of a public agency; an administrative or staff meeting of a single-member public agency; and communication limited to notice of meetings of any public agency or the agendas thereof. The term "caucus" means a convening or assembly of the enrolled members of a single political party who are members of a public agency within the state or a political subdivision.
- Executive Sessions
- The public may be excluded from Board meetings that are declared to be executive sessions.
- Executive sessions may be held on a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting taken at a public meeting stating the reasons for such executive session. Executive sessions may be held for any reasons permissible under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, as it may be amended from time to time, including one or more of the following purposes:
- Discussion concerning the appointment, employment, performance, evaluation, health or dismissal of a public officer or employee, provided that such individual may require that discussion be held at an open (public) meeting.
- Strategy and negotiations with respect to pending claims or pending litigation to which the Board or a member of the Board, because of his or her conduct as a member of the Board, is a party until such claims or litigation have been finally adjudicated or otherwise settled.
- Matters concerning security strategy or the deployment of security personnel, or devices affecting public security.
- Discussion of the selection of a site or the lease, sale or purchase of real estate when publicity regarding such site, lease, sale, purchase or construction would adversely impact the price until such time as all of the property has been acquired or all proceedings or transactions concerning same have been terminated or abandoned.
- Discussion of any matter which would result in the disclosure of public records or the information contained therein described in Conn. Gen. Stat. §1-210(b).
Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes
Sec., 1-18a (e), 1-21 (a), 1-21g (a)
Date of Adoption: February 7, 1972
Date of Revision: June 19, 1990
Date of Revision: January 3, 1995
Date of Revision: March 19, 2024
9540 Transaction of Business
#9540 Transaction of Business
- The Madison Board of Education (the “Board”) shall transact all business at a legal meeting of the Board.
- The Board shall act as a whole entity, except that a committee created in accordance with these bylaws may act on matters before it in conformity with the committee’s purpose or charge.
- Individual members shall make no commitments for the Board or issue orders for the Board, except when executing an assignment delegated by the Board.
- The Board shall concern itself with questions of educational policy, and not with administrative details concerning the Madison Public Schools’ daily operations.
Date of Adoption: March 5, 2024
9540.2 Construction and Posting of Agenda
#9540.2 Construction and Posting of Agenda (formerly Agenda)
- Construction of Agenda
- The Superintendent in cooperation with the Chairperson of the Board of Education (the “Board”) shall prepare an agenda for each meeting of the Madison Board.
- In addition to those items listed by the Chairperson of the Board, any member of the Board may contact the Chairperson or the Superintendent and request that an item be placed on the agenda
- If at least three Board members request in writing that an additional agenda item be placed on the Board’s agenda, it will either be placed on the agenda or a special meeting of the Board will be scheduled within fourteen (14) days of the written request.
- Town residents and/or taxpayers may request that the Board place an item on the agenda of a regular meeting. To do so they must:
- Make their request in writing to the Secretary of the Board, with a copy of the request to the Superintendent of Schools.
- The Secretary of the Board will present the written request to the Executive Committee at its next meeting.
- The Executive Committee will consider whether the requested item will be placed on a future meeting agenda.
- Posting of Agenda
- At least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the time of the regular or special meeting, an agenda will be constructed and posted by the Superintendent of Schools for the Board.
- An agenda will be posted at Town Hall, the Board’s Administrative Offices, and on the Board’s Internet web site. Any associated documents that may be reviewed by members of the Board at such meeting shall be posted on the Board’s Internet web site, provided such documents are not exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.
- The Board may add items to the agenda of any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of those Board Members present and voting.
- If, in accordance with applicable law, the Board holds a public meeting that is accessible to the public by means of electronic equipment or by means of electronic equipment in conjunction with an in-person meeting, the agenda shall include instructions for the public to attend and provide comment or otherwise participate in the meeting by means of electronic equipment or in person, as applicable and permitted by law. Any such agenda shall be posted in accordance with the provisions of Connecticut General Statutes Section 1-225.
Legal Reference:
Connecticut General Statutes
- Public Act 22-3, “An Act Concerning Remote Meetings Under the Freedom of Information Act.”
- 1-225 Meetings of government agencies to be public. Recording of votes. Schedule and agenda of certain meetings to be filed and posted on websites. Notice of special meetings. Executive sessions
- 10-218 Officers. Meetings
- Public Act 23-160, “An Act Concerning Education Mandate Relief and Other Technical and Assorted Revisions and Additions to the Education and Early Childhood Education Statutes.”
- 10-220 Duties of boards of education.
Date of Adoption: August 22, 2023
Date of Revision: December 12, 2023
9540.3 Quorum and Voting Procedures
#9540.3 Quorum and Voting Procedures
- Quorum:
- The majority of all members of the Madison (the “Board”) shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
- If, in accordance with applicable law, the Board provides Board members the opportunity to participate in meetings by means of electronic equipment, the Board is not required to adjourn or postpone a meeting if a Board member loses the ability to participate because of an interruption, failure, or degradation of that member’s connection by electronic equipment, unless the member’s participation is necessary to form a quorum. If a quorum of the Board members attend a meeting, other than an executive session, by means of electronic equipment from the same physical location, members of the public must be permitted to attend such meeting in such physical location.
- If, in accordance with applicable law, the Board holds a meeting solely by means of electronic equipment, and if a quorum of Board members attend a meeting by means of electronic equipment from the same physical location, the Board shall permit members of the public to attend such meeting in such physical location.
- Voting Procedures:
- No member can vote on a question in which the Board member has a direct personal or pecuniary interest.
- Members may vote for themselves for any office or other position.
- While it is the duty of every member who has an opinion on a question to express it by vote, a Board member cannot be compelled to do so.
- A member may abstain from voting (with the knowledge that the effect is the same as if the Board member had voted on the prevailing side).
- The votes of each member of the Board upon any issue before the Board shall be recorded in the minutes of the session at which taken.
- Board members shall have the opportunity to explain their votes, with the explanation to be recorded in the minutes.
- Any vote taken at a meeting during which a Board member participates by means of electronic equipment shall be taken by roll call, unless the vote is unanimous.
- The affirmative vote of a majority of those members present at any meeting having a quorum shall be considered sufficient for action except for those actions required by law or these policies. In addition, the following actions shall require a majority vote of the entire Board:
- Approval of the annual budget and,
- Approval of special appropriations.
Legal References:
- Public Act 22-3, “An Act Concerning Remote Meetings Under the Freedom of Information Act.”
Date of Adoption: August 22, 2023
9540.5 Parliamentarian
#9540.5 Parliamentarian
The parliamentarian will be either a member of the administrative staff or a Board member appointed by the Board who will be well versed in Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, and able to advise the Board to resolve any questions related to the rules of order that arise during a public meeting.
Date of Adoption: March 7, 1995
Date of Revision: April 23, 2024
9540.9 Minutes
#9540.9 Minutes
- In compliance with legal requirements, a complete and accurate set of minutes of each meeting shall be kept.
- Minutes shall be maintained at the Administrative Offices of the school district in an official record book designated for said purpose.
- The minutes shall constitute the official records of proceedings of the Madison Board of Education (the “Board”) and shall be open to public inspection at all reasonable times.
- The minutes shall include the following:
- The time, place, date, and type of meeting (regular, special, adjourned, emergency).
- The names of those members in attendance.
- Notation of others present, including the Superintendent of Schools.
- The disposition of all matters on which action was recommended.
- All motions and resolutions and their disposition, listing all votes, abstentions and absentees.
- All decisions concerning future meetings and agendas.
- By request, a brief statement of a Board member may be included.
- Time of adjournment.
- A record of votes taken at each meeting shall be reduced to writing and made available for public inspection within forty-eight hours of the conclusion of the meeting at which the votes were taken. Votes taken shall also be reflected in the minutes of each meeting, and the minutes shall be made available for public inspection and posted on the Board’s Internet web site, if available, not later than seven days of the date of the meeting to which they refer, however, the Board shall not be required by law to post such minutes on an Internet web site. Should the Board decide to make minutes available on the Board’s Internet web site, it shall do so at the sole discretion of the Board.
- If, in accordance with applicable law, the Board conducts a meeting in which one or more Board members attend by means of electronic equipment, the minutes of the meeting shall record a list of Board members that attended the meeting in person and a list of members that attended the meeting by means of electronic equipment.
Connecticut General Statutes
- Public Act 22-3, “An Act Concerning Remote Meetings Under the Freedom of Information Act.”
- 1-225 Meetings of government agencies to be public. Recording of votes. Schedule and agenda of certain meetings to be filed and posted on web sites. Notice of special meetings. Executive sessions
Date of Adoption: January 17, 1972
Date of Revision: June 19, 1990
Date of Revision: April 7, 1992
Date of Revision: January 3, 1995
Date of Revision: June 20, 2023
9540.10 Meeting Conduct
#9540.10 Meeting Conduct
For purposes of this policy:
- Definitions
- Electronic equipment” means any technology that facilitates real-time public access to meetings, including, but not limited to, telephonic, video, or other conferencing platforms.
- Electronic transmission” means any form or process of communication not directly involving the physical transfer of paper or another tangible medium, which (A) is capable of being retained, retrieved and reproduced by the recipient, and (B) is retrievable in paper form by the recipient.
- Meeting Conduct
- Meetings of the Madison Board of Education (the “Board”) shall be conducted by the Chairperson in a manner consistent with the adopted bylaws of the Board and the provisions of law, including the Freedom of Information Act.
- All Board meetings shall commence at, or as close as practicable to, the stated time, provided there is a quorum.
- All regular and special Board meetings shall be guided by an agenda that will have been prepared and delivered in advance to all Board members and other designated persons and made available to the public in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.
- Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of the Board except as otherwise provided by these bylaws.
- In the event that a Board meeting is interrupted by any person or group of persons so as to render the orderly conduct of such meeting unfeasible and order cannot be restored by the removal of individuals who are willfully interrupting the meetings, the Chairperson may order the room cleared and continue in session.
- Only matters appearing on the agenda may be considered in such a session.
- Duly accredited representatives of the press or other news media, except those participating in the disturbance, shall be allowed to attend any such session.
- Nothing in these bylaws shall prohibit the Board from establishing a procedure for readmitting an individual or individuals not responsible for willfully disturbing the meeting.
- Smoking
- Smoking of any kind, including using an electronic nicotine or cannabis delivery system or vapor product, will not be permitted in any room in which a meeting of the Board is being conducted, nor during the time immediately prior to the meeting.
- When applicable, a sign notifying the public that no smoking is allowed in the room designated for the meeting will be prominently posted.
- Procedures for Board Member Participation By Means of Electronic Equipment
- The Board shall provide Board members the opportunity to participate in meetings by means of electronic equipment, except that the Board is not required to adjourn or postpone a meeting if a Board member loses the ability to participate because of an interruption, failure, or degradation of that member’s connection by electronic equipment, unless the member’s participation is necessary to form a quorum. Conditions for participation are as follows:
- If a quorum of the Board members attend a meeting, other than an executive session, by means of electronic equipment from the same physical location, members of the public must be permitted to attend such meeting in such physical location.
- Any physical or demonstrable material that is used in the course of the proceedings must be present in the physical location, if any, where the public is located.
- All those in attendance at the meeting, at whatever location, must be able to hear and identify all participants in the proceeding, including their individual remarks and votes.
- Any vote taken at a meeting during which a Board member participates by means of electronic equipment shall be taken by roll call, unless the vote is unanimous.
- The minutes of the meeting shall record a list of Board members who attended the meeting in person and a list of Board members who attended the meeting by means of electronic equipment.
Any Board member who participates orally in a meeting conducted by means of electronic equipment shall make a good faith effort to state such member’s name and title, if applicable, at the outset of each occasion that such member participates orally during an uninterrupted dialogue or series of questions and answers.
- When a Board member is participating in a meeting by means of electronic equipment, the Chairperson shall take the necessary steps to ensure that the conditions enumerated above are met. In addition, the Chairperson shall take the necessary steps to ensure that a Board member participating by means of electronic equipment has adequate opportunity for participation in Board discussion, including the opportunity to take the floor and make motions.
- The Board shall provide Board members the opportunity to participate in meetings by means of electronic equipment, except that the Board is not required to adjourn or postpone a meeting if a Board member loses the ability to participate because of an interruption, failure, or degradation of that member’s connection by electronic equipment, unless the member’s participation is necessary to form a quorum. Conditions for participation are as follows:
- Procedures for Public Participation By Means of Electronic Equipment
The Board may hold a public meeting that is accessible to the public by means of electronic equipment or by means of electronic equipment in conjunction with an in-person meeting. If the Board allows for the public to participate by means of electronic equipment, it shall do so in accordance with the following procedures:- Not less than forty-eight (48) hours before the Board conducts a regular meeting by means of electronic equipment, the Board shall provide direct notification in writing or by electronic transmission to each member of the Board, and post a notice that the Board intends to conduct the meeting solely or in part by means of electronic equipment, (a) in the Board’s Administrative Offices; (b) in the office of the Town Clerk; and (c) on the Board’s Internet web site, if any.
- Not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to any such meeting, the Board shall post the agenda for any such meeting in the same manner as the notice of the meeting as set forth in Section 5.A.
- Such notice and agenda shall include instructions for the public to attend and provide comment or otherwise participate in the meeting, by means of electronic equipment or in person, as applicable and permitted by law. Any such notice and agenda shall be posted in accordance with the provisions of Connecticut General Statutes § 1-225.
- If the Board holds a meeting, other than an executive session or special meeting, solely by means of electronic equipment:
- The Board shall provide any member of the public
- upon a written request submitted not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to such meeting, with a physical location and any electronic equipment necessary to attend such meeting in real-time, and
- the same opportunities to provide comment or testimony and otherwise participate in such meeting that such member of the public would be accorded if such meeting were held in person, except that the Board is not required (i) to adjourn or postpone a meeting if a member of the public loses the ability to participate because of an interruption, failure or degradation of such person’s connection to the meeting by electronic equipment, or (ii) to offer members of the public who attend a meeting by means of electronic equipment the opportunity for public comment, testimony, or other participation if the provision of such opportunity is not required by law for members of the public who attend such meeting in person.
- The Board shall not be required to adjourn or postpone the meeting if a member of the public loses the ability to participate because of an interruption, failure, or degradation of such person’s connection to the meeting by means of electronic equipment.
- The Board shall ensure that such meeting is recorded or transcribed, excluding any portion of the meeting that is conducted in executive session. Such transcription or recording shall be posted on the Board’s Internet web site and made available to the public to view, listen to, and copy in the Board’s Administrative Offices not later than seven (7) days after the meeting and for not less than forty-five (45) days thereafter.
- If a quorum of Board members attend a meeting by means of electronic equipment from the same physical location, the Board shall permit members of the public to attend such meeting in such physical location.
- The Board shall provide any member of the public
- If the Board holds a special meeting and any portion of such meeting is to be conducted by means of electronic equipment, it must include in the notice of such meeting if the meeting will be conducted solely or in part by means of electronic equipment.
- Not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to such meeting, the Board shall post such notice and an agenda of the meeting in accordance with applicable law.
- If such meeting is to be conducted by means of electronic equipment, such notice and agenda shall include instructions for the public, by means of electronic equipment or in person, to attend and provide comment or otherwise participate in the meeting, as applicable and permitted by law.
- Any member of the public who participates orally in a meeting conducted by means of electronic equipment shall make a good faith effort to state such member’s name and title, if applicable, at the outset of each occasion that such member participates orally during an uninterrupted dialogue or series of questions and answers.
- Whenever a meeting being conducted by means of electronic equipment is interrupted by the failure, disconnection or, in the Chairperson's determination, unacceptable degradation of the electronic means of conducting a meeting, or if a Board member necessary to form a quorum loses the ability to participate because of the interruption, failure or degradation of such member’s connection by electronic equipment, the Board may, not less than thirty (30) minutes and not more than two (2) hours from the time of the interruption or the Chairperson’s determination, resume the meeting (1) in person, if a quorum is present in person, or (2) if a quorum is restored by means of electronic equipment, solely or in part by such electronic equipment.
- In each case of resumption of such meeting, electronic access shall be restored to the public if such capability has been restored.
- The Board shall, if practicable, post a notification on its Internet web site and inform attendees by electronic transmission of the expected time of resumption or of the adjournment or postponement of the meeting, as applicable, and may announce at the beginning of any meeting what preplanned procedures are in place for resumption of a meeting in the event of an interruption.
- In the event that a Board meeting is interrupted by any person or group of persons so as to render the orderly conduct of such meeting unfeasible, and if such person or group of persons is attending such meeting by means of electronic equipment, the Chairperson may terminate such person’s or group of persons’ attendance by electronic equipment until such time as such person or group of persons conforms to order or, if need be, until such meeting is closed.
- Public Address
- The Board may permit any individual or group to address the Board concerning any subject that lies within its jurisdiction during a portion of the Board’s regular [or special] meetings so designated for such purpose.
- Three minutes may be allotted to each speaker. The Board may modify these limitations at the beginning of a meeting if the number of persons wishing to speak makes it advisable to do so.
- A Board member shall be appointed by the Chairperson prior to the meeting to act as timekeeper for the meeting, if deemed necessary by the Chairperson.
- No boisterous conduct shall be permitted at any Board meeting. Persistence in boisterous conduct shall be grounds for summary termination, by the Chairperson, of that person’s privilege of address.
- All speakers must identify themselves by name and address.
- The Board may permit any individual or group to address the Board concerning any subject that lies within its jurisdiction during a portion of the Board’s regular [or special] meetings so designated for such purpose.
Legal References:
Connecticut General Statutes
- Public Act 22-3, “An Act Concerning Remote Meetings Under the Freedom of Information Act.”
- 1-200 Definitions
- 1-206 Denial of access to public records or meetings. Appeals. Notice. Orders. Civil penalty. Petition for relief from vexatious requester. Service of process upon commission. Frivolous appeals. Appeal re state hazardous waste program records
- 1-225 Meetings of government agencies to be public. Recording of votes. Schedule and agenda of certain meetings to be filed and posted on web sites. Notice of special meetings. Executive sessions
- 1-232 Conduct of meetings
- 19a-342 Smoking prohibited. Exceptions. Signs required. Penalties
Freedom of Information Commission Advisory Opinion #41 (April 9, 1980)
Date of Adoption: January 3, 1995
Technical Revision: March 21, 2006
Date of Revision: June 8, 2021
Date of Revision: June 20, 2023
9540.12 Broadcasting / Taping of Meetings
#9540.12 Broadcasting/Taping of Meetings
Photographic and electronic audio and video broadcasting and recording devices may be used at regular and special Board of Education meetings legally open to the public according to the following guidelines:
- Persons operating cameras, broadcasting, and / or recording devices must do so with a minimum of disruption to those present at the meeting. Specifically, the view between Board members and the audience must not be obstructed, interviews must not be conducted during the meeting, and no commentary is to be given in a manner that distracts Board members or the audience.
- The Board will make the necessary arrangements to have video recordings of all regular meetings and any special meeting that it deems appropriate. All video recordings will be made available to the public on the school district’s internet website.
Date of Adoption: March 7, 1995
Date of Revision: April 23, 2024
9600 Formulation, Adoption, Amendment Or Deletion of Bylaws and Policies
#9600 Formulation, Adoption, Amendment Or Deletion of Bylaws and Policies
It is the intent of the Board to develop policies and put them in writing so that they may serve as guidelines for the discretionary action of those to whom it delegates authority and for the successful and efficient functioning of the public schools.
The Board considers policy development one of its chief responsibilities. Proposals regarding policies may originate with a member of the Board, the Superintendent, a staff member, a parent, student, consultant, civic group, or any resident of the district. A careful and orderly process will be used in examining such proposals prior to action upon them by the Board. Development and revision of policies and bylaws shall be directed through the Policy committee of the Board of Education. The Board will take action after hearing the recommendations of the Superintendent and the viewpoints of persons and groups affected by the policy.
The policies of the Board are framed and meant to be interpreted in terms of state laws and regulations and other regulatory agencies within our state and federal levels of government.
Changes in needs, conditions, purposes, and objectives will require revisions, deletions, and additions to the policies of the present and future Boards. The Board will welcome suggestions for ongoing policy development.
Bylaw proposals and suggested amendments to, revisions of, or deletions of existing bylaws shall normally be submitted to all members of the Madison Board of Education (the “Board”) from the Policy Committee in writing prior to a regular Board meeting in which such proposed bylaws, amendments, revisions or deletions thereof shall be read and discussed.
Except for emergency situations, bylaws will be adopted, amended, or deleted after consideration at two regular meetings of the Board. The agenda shall be marked to indicate such matters.
When a bylaw is placed on the agenda for the second consecutive meeting, a motion either to adopt or not to adopt the bylaw or the proposed bylaw changes is necessary for discussion. If the discussion results in a suggestion for change, such changes will be included in the second reading of the bylaw prior to adoption.
Any bylaw of the Board may be adopted, amended or deleted at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of all members of the Board, provided that such proposal shall have been given to the Board at the previous regular meeting.
- In the absence of any written policy, administrative regulations will be used to guide and administer the effective operation of the Madison Public Schools.
- Suggestions for either new policies or policy changes normally come to the Madison Board of Education (the “Board”) from any of the following:
- Board members
- Superintendent
- Statute
- Matters of law
- Citizens, and/or
- Students.
- Policy proposals and suggested amendments to, revisions of, or deletions of existing policies shall normally be submitted to all members of the Board by the Committee and/or the Superintendent in writing prior to a regular Board meeting in which such proposed policies, amendments, revisions or deletions thereof shall be read and discussed.
- Policies that deal with matters of an emergency nature may be introduced by the Policy Committee and/or the Superintendent at any regular or special Board meeting.
- Policies that affect students shall become effective at the beginning of the next school year following adoption unless the policy provides otherwise.
- Generally, policies will be adopted, amended, or deleted after consideration at two regular meetings of the Board. The agenda shall be marked to indicate such policy matters. At its discretion, the Board may dispense with the two-reading adoption sequence and move directly from the first read to the vote with a two-thirds affirmative vote of the quorum of the Board.
- When a policy is placed on the agenda for the second consecutive meeting, a motion either to adopt or not to adopt the policy or the proposed policy changes is necessary for discussion. If the discussion results in a suggestion for change, such changes will be included in the second reading of the policy prior to adoption.
- The formal adoption or deletion of policies and the adoption of policy changes shall be by majority vote of all members of the Board, and the action shall be recorded in the minutes of the Board.
- Only those written statements so adopted as policy and so recorded shall be regarded as official policy of the Board.
Date of Adoption: April 5, 2022
Date of Revision: August 22, 2023
9640 Formulation, Adoption, Amendment Or Deletion of Administrative Regulations
#9640 Formulation, Adoption, Amendment Or Deletion of Administrative Regulations
(formerly Board Review of Regulations)
The Superintendent is responsible for the formulation, adoption, amendment, and deletion of administrative regulations to implement the policies of the Madison Board of Education (the “Board”) and/or as necessary to promote the orderly operation of the Madison Public Schools in compliance with applicable law.
The Board of Education reserves the right to review and direct revisions or deletions of administrative regulations should they, in the Board of Education's judgment, be inconsistent with the policies adopted by the Board. If the Board directs the Superintendent to adopt, amend, or delete administrative regulations, it shall do so upon majority vote of all members in attendance at the meeting, provided that prior notification of such proposed revision has been described in writing in the call of the meeting, or upon majority vote of all members of the Board when no such written notice has been given.
Date of Adoption: June 19, 1990
Revised: January 3, 1995
Revised: April 5, 2022
9660 Suspension of Policies, Bylaws Or Administrative Regulations
#9660 Suspension of Policies, Bylaws Or Administrative Regulations
(formerly Suspension / Repeal of Policy)
Policies and bylaws of the Madison Board of Education (the “Board”) shall be subject to suspension for a specified purpose and limited time by:
- A majority vote of all members of the Board in attendance at a meeting, and
- Provided that prior notification of such a proposed suspension has been described in writing in the call of the meeting.
Policies of the Board shall be subject to suspension for a specified purpose and limited time upon a majority vote of all members of the Board when no such written notice has been given.
Bylaws of the Board shall be subject to suspension for a specified purpose and limited time upon a two-thirds votes of all members of the Board when no such written notice has been given.
Administrative regulations of the Board may be suspended for a specified purpose and limited time:
- By the Superintendent, who shall give notice to the Board of the reason for the suspension and the time period of the suspension.
- The Board may direct the Superintendent to suspend administrative regulations for a specified purpose and limited time upon majority vote of all members in attendance at a meeting, provided that prior notification of such proposed suspension has been described in writing in the call of the meeting, or upon majority vote of all members of the Board when no such written notice has been given.
Date of Adoption: January 17, 1972
Revised: March 21, 1989
Revised: January 3, 1995
Revised: April 5, 2022
9820.1 Board Member Conferences, Conventions, and Workshops
#9820.1 Board Member Conferences, Conventions, and Workshops
Attendance at professional development events, directly or indirectly related to education or to school matters, should be encouraged for the values that they have to the school system and to the professional growth of Board members. The Board Chairperson and the Superintendent of Schools will notify the Board members of such events including conferences, workshops, local, state and national conventions, and district-sponsored meetings. Toward this end, the Board will:
- approve Board members' attendance at such events;
- designate members who will represent the Board at such events;
- provide funds in the budget to cover professional development event expenses;
- reimburse Board members for out-of-pocket expenses as may be legally permitted; and
- require Board members to report to the Board as a whole within a reasonable period of time following their return to the district.
Legal References: Connecticut Education Laws
- Sec. 10-220; 10-221 Powers and Duties of the Board of Education
- Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-225 Salaries of secretary and attendance officers
- Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-232 Restrictions on employment of members of board of education
Date of Adoption: January 3, 1995
Date of Revision: March 19, 2024
9840 Reimbursement of Board Member Expenses
Reimbursement of Board Member Expenses
- Remuneration
- A member of the Madison Board of Education (the “Board”) shall receive no compensation for carrying out Board services.
- Reimbursement
- Board members authorized to attend educational conferences, meetings or travel on Board business shall be reimbursed, upon submitting vouchers and supporting documentation for reasonable and necessary expenditures, transportation costs, and registration fees. Board members must have approval in advance from the Board to be eligible for a reimbursement.
- All Board members that receive prior authorization for reimbursement of a Board expense are expected to account for all expenditures incurred in connection with the performance of their Board duties.
- Receipts in general are required for:
- Lodging -- Lodging accommodations should provide normal comforts and services well located in relation to the area in which Board business will be conducted.
- Meals --Reasonable expenditures are allowed for meals. Board members may submit appropriate explanatory information as needed, on a separate sheet of paper attached to the receipt. The Board will not reimburse Board members for the purchase of alcohol.
- Taxi, Uber/Lyft or Bus Fare
- Parking Fees or Toll Charges (when applicable)
- Mileage – The Board may reimburse for mileage costs incurred for travel for Board business other than for regular and special Board meetings and subcommittee meetings, when approved in advance, and in accordance with IRS standard reimbursement rates.
- Registration Fees -- The Board will not pay any late registration fees without an explicit prior authorization.
Legal Reference
- Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-225 Salaries of secretary and attendance officer
- Conn. Gen. Stat. § 10-232 Restrictions on employment of members of board of education
Date of Adoption: June 19, 1990
Date of Revision: January 3, 1995
Date of Revision: March 19, 2024