Music Department Course Offerings
Grade | General | Band | Strings | Vocal |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Daniel Hand High School offers an outstanding music program. Students are encouraged to participate in a four-year program or to select courses as their schedules permit.
DHHS requires 1.0 credits of Music, Theatre or Art for graduation.
Music is an art form in which everyone can participate, at any level of accomplishment. The courses offered by the music department provide many opportunities for self-expression, creativity, and the development of personal skills and self-confidence.
The philosophy of the Music Department is to help students become lifelong learners as well as artistically literate, caring, creative and effective world citizens through creating, performing and responding to a diverse range of music and literature in a safe and nurturing environment. An artistically literate citizen has the knowledge, skills, and understanding to actively engage in the arts throughout their life.