Library Media Center
- General Databases
- English & Spanish Databases
- Social Studies Databases
- Science Databases
- Communication & Information Science
- Connecticut State Library
- New York Times
- WeVideo
General Databases
English & Spanish Databases
Social Studies Databases
Science Databases
Communication & Information Science
Connecticut State Library
New York Times
- Mybib
- create MLA or APA citations
- Log in with your google account to save projects
- How to cite a website in MyBib
- MLA In-text Citation guide from OWL Purdue
- Class Code: u6ja7ng
Ebooks are available to Hand students through 3 platforms:
- Sora (formerly Overdrive): Use your student ID to log in
- fiction & nonfiction ebooks & audiobooks
- can be viewed on Kindle or within Sora App
- Destiny Library Catalog: user your student ID as username and password
- primarily nonfiction for research
- Gale: See your LMC Google Classroom for login information
- exclusively nonfiction, helpful for research
- Follow Mrs. Fiorelli on Goodreads
- Book lists
- Time's 100 Best Young Adult Books
- Email Mrs. Fiorelli if you have suggestions for the DHHS LMC collection
- Ad Fontes Interactive Media Bias Chart
- Topic of the Week by Ad Fontes Media
- How to Spot Fake News
- Evaluating Sources
- Fact Checking Resources
- Confirmation Bias - UConn
- Today's Front Page Around the World
- Allsides
- The Knight Foundation: American Views 2020: Trust, Media & Democracy
- UConn's Guide to Evaluating Sources
- Standards of Journalism