DHHS Diversity Club Attends SERC Conference
On Friday May 5, 2023, ten members of the Diversity Club and their advisor, Ms. Corvino, attended the first in person S.E.R.C. Dismantling Systemic Racism Conference since 2019 at the Hartford Convention Center. After listening to a spoken word performance by Jessica Care Moore, accompanied by musical artists Apropo and Kenny Watson, the students listened to an inspiring keynote by Dr. Christopher Emdin who graciously posed for a photo and chatted with the students for a bit. They also participated in a “Youth Participatory Action Research” workshop led by Dr. Danielle Filipiak, and spent the afternoon workshopping with Dr. Rydell Harrison, who had worked with them at DHHS. They were definitely surprised when he gave them a big shout out during the session! Overall, the day was energizing, inspiring, and enriching, and each of the students embraced this special opportunity to spend the day with 550 teachers, administrators and students from around the state.