DHHS Solar Eclipse Photo Contest
Following the solar eclipse in April 2024, DHHS held a photo contest for students and staff. Based on all the photo submissions, our DHHS community saw the solar eclipse as close to Madison and as far as Oahu, Hawaii.
Photo contest winners
First Place: Through the lens, Maewyn Griswold; Eclipse in the Sky with Diamonds, Clare Stone
Second Place: A View from Salty Springs, Santiago Barrera; Sliver, Elise Bracko
Third Place: Totality with Venus, Lucy Alletzhauser; Totality on Lake Francis, Jonathan Garcia
Winners by Category
Click on the gallery to see all entries
DHHS Sun Zoom
Sliver: Elisa Brako
Ring of fire: Ashley Joiner
Don’t look up: Eli Sherer
DHHS Sun Scenery
Eclipse in the Sky with Diamonds: Clare Stone
Through the Lens: Maewyn Griswold
Spooky Gothic: Michael Docker
DHHS Artistic
Totality on the lake: Johnathan Garcia
Wooden Eclipse: Erica Brako
Extended DHHS
Mountain view totality: Brian Woytowich
Cat eyes: Emily Mezick