Explore Engineering!
Are you curious about what an engineer does on a daily basis? There are many different types of engineering and Daniel Hand students will have a great opportunity to sample some of them in our “Explore Engineering” series. All students are welcome to participate in any or all of the following activities!
These events are organized by the GAINS club, which is always taking new members. Come and join us!
Computer/Electrical Engineering
When: After school Thursday November 2nd, 2023 from 2-3 pm
Where: Room 226
What: University of New Haven Women in Engineering is presenting “Learn about Computer and Electrical engineering by designing and building a power grid” Hands-on activity followed by Career presentation by UNH faculty and undergraduate students
Chemical Engineering
When: After school Thursday November 9th , 2023 from 2-3 pm
Where: Room 226
What: University of New Haven Women in Engineering is presenting “Learn how Chemical Engineers do copper plating” Hands-on activity followed by Career presentation by UNH faculty and undergraduate students
Aerospace/Mechanical Engineering
When: All day field trip Wednesday December 6th, 2023 , bus returns by 2pm
Where: Sikorsky Aircraft, Stratford, CT
What: Lockheed Martin / Sikorsky Aircraft facility tour and Q&A panel of experienced professionals.~1 hr. tour walks through the 2 million sq. ft engineering, manufacturing and assembly facility including blade and rotor head manufacturing, processing, machining and inspection. Tour also walks through the hangar where CH-53K, Medevac and Combat Rescue helicopters are currently being assembled. Upon return, participants will congregate in an engineering conference room with a panel of Sikorsky multidisciplinary professionals for an opportunity to ask questions and advice.
Fee: Free! Please see Ms. Coyle in the Counseling office to obtain the necessary permission forms
Aerospace/Mechanical Engineering
When: after school January 2024 (TBD) from 2-3 pm
Where: Room 226
What: Pratt & Whitney is an American aerospace manufacturer whose aircraft engines are widely used in both civil aviation and military aviation. Two Test Engineers will visit DHHS for a hands-on activity and career discussion. In addition to discussing their current roles and responsibilities, which includes testing jet engines for certification, they will also discuss their education and career paths as well as opportunities for advancement within their field.