Senior Award and Scholarship Ceremony 2021

On June 2, Daniel Hand High School held its annual award and scholarship ceremony recognizing members of the senior class.

Thanks to the support from the Madison community, hundreds of thousands of scholarship dollars were awarded to seniors for higher education. 

Congratulations to all award and scholarship recipients! 

Senior awards Recording 

Class of 2021 Recipients

Jackson Anselmo


Excellence in the Visual Arts Award

The Art Service Award

Outstanding Growth in the Visual Arts

Virtual Art Show Award

Erik Bernard


The Madison Lodge/William & Bertha MacMullen Memorial Scholarship  

The Charlotte B. Dowd Scholarship 

Mason betty


Excellence in the Visual Arts Award

Virtual Art Show Award

Carmeryn Brown


Excellence in the Visual Arts Award

The Art Service Award 

Virtual Art Show Award

The Ciara Collins Memorial Scholarship 

Sean burke


The Senior History Prize 

The D.H.H.S. World Language Prize-Mandarin 4 Honors

The Harts English Prize 

The Scholastic Writing Award

SCC Scholar Athlete, Fall Award

Aimee Chang


Madison Board of Education Senior Scholar Recognition Award



The Madison Education Association Edward Valla Scholarship

Anna Cohen


The Daniel Hand High School Girls Soccer Booster Club Scholarship  

jacob daignault


The Tim Orefice Memorial Award for Excellence in the Study of Psychology

Madison Board of Education Senior Scholar Recognition Award



Outstanding Growth in the Visual Arts

Virtual Art Show Award

Lily D' Ancico


The Art Service Award

The Aja Gerrity Memorial Scholarship 

eli davis


The Madison Athletic Hall of Fame Scholarship 

josh delahiunt


Virtual Art Show Award

The East River Reading Room Endowment Fund Scholarship 

eric dillner


Virtual Art Show Award

U.S. Congressional Certificate of Merit

The Harry J. and Teresa H. Johnson Scholarships

marina dixon


The Dr. R. Russell Martin Memorial Scholarship in Science sponsored by the Madison Lions Club 

shea docker


The Madison Education Association Edward Valla Scholarship

Janylet Dpico


Excellence in the Visual Arts Award

Virtual Art Show Award

mat doyle


United States Marines "Semper Fidelis" Award for Musical Excellence



Excellence in the Visual Arts Award

The Mary Coughlin Memorial Award



Excellence in the Visual Arts Award

Virtual Art Show Award

emma flaherty


The Senior History Prize

Math Achievement Award (Statistics)

The English Reading Award 

Jack flynn


The Jordan Kinscherf Memorial Scholarship 



Daniel Hand Career & Technical Education Entrepreneur Scholarship 

Sophie glassman


The D.H.H.S. World Language Prize--French 5 Honors

Madison Board of Education Senior Scholar Recognition Award

The Daniel hand High School Class of 2014 Scholarship 

Lucas Harmon


Excellence in the Visual Arts Award

Virtual Art Show Award

Grace hartmann


The CIAC Award for Excellence 

The Madison Police Union Scholarship 

evan hubbs


The Exchange Club of Madison Evarts Janssen Scholarship 

The Daniel Hand High School Music Boosters Scholarship 

Claire Hurley


Excellence in the Visual Arts Award

Outstanding Growth in the Visual Arts

CAS (CT Assoc of Schools) Heart of the Arts Award

Virtual Art Show Award

Josh israel


The Social Studies Department Prize in Economics

Excellence in Mathematics Award (AP Statistics) 

Madison Board of Education Senior Scholar Recognition Award

Luke Johnson


Math Achievement Award (Statistics) 

The David W. Short Music Scholarship Fund 

Sarah Kelly


The Sally Ehrenwerth Memorial Scholarship 

seoyoun kim


Excellence in the Visual Arts Award

Middlesex County Mathematics Award

Skylar knibbs


Excellence in the Visual Arts Award

Virtual Art Show Award

Julia kuhn


Distance Learning Recognition

The Social Studies Department Prize in Economics

Excellence in Mathematics Award (AP Calculus AB)

The Madison Youth Soccer Club Hannah Lee Memorial Scholarship  

The Madison Chamber of Commerce Business Scholarship 

jackson kuja


Excellence in Mathematics Award (AP Comp Sci)

The C.A.B.E.(Ct Boards of Education) Student Leadership Award

The Exchange Club of Madison Scholarship in Memory of Sam Anderson 



The Madison Youth Soccer Club, John Szeklicki Memorial Scholarship

Sedona Leach


Excellence in the Visual Arts Award

Virtual Art Show Award

Lisa Liang

Distance Learning Recognition

Excellence in the Visual Arts Award

Excellence in Mathematics Award (AP Calculus BC)

Middlesex County Mathematics Award

UConn/ECE Spanish 6 Honors

Virtual Art Show Award

Madison Board of Education Senior Scholar Recognition Award

Theo licari


Excellence in Mathematics Award (AP Calculus AB)

SCC Scholar Athlete Award, Winter

The Brian P. Nee Memorial Sportsmanship Scholarship 

neo lin


The D.H.H.S. World Language Prizes-Mandarin 4 Honors

Leah Lingan


The Barbara Jurash and Ethel Jurash Burnett Memorial Scholarship 

Kate MacCallum


Virtual Art Show Award

Excellence in the Visual Arts Award

The William E. Allen Memorial Scholarship 

Rocky Mayer


The Coach D'Alessio Wrestling Foundation Scholarship 

The Carol-Ann Dziema Memorial Scholarship 

Kylie Minniti


Madison Board of Education Senior Scholar Recognition Award

The Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation Scholarship 

Flynn Miller


Math Achievement Award (Discrete Math)

The Garden Club of Madison Shirley Green Horticulture Scholarship 

Lenny & Joe's Fish Tale Magical Carousel Scholarship  

Miai Minto


The Katie Battison Memorial Scholarship 



The Madison Jaycees Paul Akam Memorial Scholarship 

Amy Narain


The Tim Orefice Memorial Award for Excellence in the Study of Psychology Award

logan negrelli


The Knights of Columbus Saint Joseph the Worker Award (Construction)

Kyle Northrup


Excellence in Mathematics Award (AP Calculus BC)

UConn/ECE Spanish 6 Honors

United States Marines "Semper Fidelis" Award for Musical Excellence

Madison Board of Education Senior Scholar Recognition Award

Gabriella onorati


The Women's Club of Madison Grace Minor Lippincott Memorial Scholarship 

The Daniel Hand High School Music Boosters Scholarship 

Olivia Papa


Daughters of the American Revolution 

The Wilbur W. Pardee Scholarship 

robert paterson


The Mary Ellen Bossi Faculty Scholarship  

The Madison Jaycees Paul Akam Memorial Scholarship 

Chris pellegrino


The D.H.H.S. World Language Prize--Spanish 6 Cinema and Conversation

The Daniel Hand High School Student Council Scholarship 


ethan ryes


Excellence in the Visual Arts Award

Virtual Art Show Award

Callista richard


The Exchange Club of Madison Dunnith R. Heenan III Memorial Scholarship 

Lindsay Riordan


The C.A.B.E. (CT Boards of Education) Student Leadership Award 

The Richard Fasano Memorial Scholarship 



The Robert Duncanson Sportsmanship Award 

The Brian P. Nee Memorial Sportsmanship Scholarship 

zach Ruiz


The Knights of Columbus Saint Joseph the Worker Award (Communication)

elizabeth schroeder


Outstanding Achievement in the Visual Arts Award

The D.H.H.S. World Language Prize--Latin 4 Honors

Virtual Art Show Award

Madison Board of Education Senior Scholar Recognition Award

The Erwin Bauer Charitable Trust Scholarship 

Mia Spencer


The Madison Jaycees Paul Akam Memorial Scholarship 

The Madison Chamber of Commerce Business Scholarship 

Lenny & Joe's Fish Tale Magical Carousel Scholarship 


Anna Son


Madison Board of Education Senior Scholar Recognition Award 

The Harry J. and Teresa H. Johnson Scholarships 

Carlin Steere


The Art Service Award

Math Achievement Award (Intro to Calculus)

The D.H.H.S. World Language Prize--Spanish 6 Cinema and Conversation

The Love of Dramatic Literature Award

Anna Steffen


The U.S. Army Distinguished Athlete Award

SCC Scholar Athlete, Fall Award

Madison Board of Education Senior Scholar Recognition Award

Sam Stein


The Outstanding Growth in Visual Arts Award

The Elissa Sullivan Memorial Scholarship 

Maddison Thomas

The D.H.H.S. World Language Prize--Spanish 6 Cinema and Conversation

SCC Scholar Athlete Award, Winter

The Madison Jaycees Paul Akam Memorial Scholarship 

The Frances N. Sadek memorial Scholarship 

The Madison Education Association Beverly Keener Scholarship 

Paige Van Ostenbridge

The D.H.H.S. World Language Prize--Spanish 6 Cinema and Conversation 

The Ronald B. Hall Memorial Scholarship in Education sponsored by the Madison Lions Club 

Keelin virgulto

The Exchange Club Youth of the Year Award

The Madison Association of Democratic Women Scholarship 

The Madison Jaycees Paul Akam Memorial Scholarship 

The Madison Newcomers Club Scholarship 

Ashley wargo


The Madison Athletic Hall of Fame Scholarship  

Henry wilson


The Madison Hose Company No. 1 Memorial Scholarship 

Female high school student speaks into microphone
Male teacher and a female teacher speak at microphone
Male teacher speaks at microphone
Highschool student speaks at microphone
A male and a female teacher stand behind a microphone
Male high school student in blue polo smiling at the camera with goodie bag