One of the most beloved family events of the Halloween season is the Monster Bash brought to you by The Barn and the Madison Newcomers
Ghosts and Ghouls of all ages come together to dance to music played by DJ Bry, participate in activities, and enjoy playing games on the game tables.
All ages are welcome! Students 8 yrs old and under must be accompanied by an adult. Costumes are optional but encouraged. We will have a costume contest!
ADMISSION: Adults - FREE Children/Students - $7. The Monster Bash will take place at The Madison Arts Barn 8 Campus Drive in Madison on Oct 18th from 6-8pm.
Register for this event on the Madison Arts Barn's Parent Portal under the events tab. To access the Parent Portal visit
Correction 10/9/2024: Children/Student price was previously incorrectly listed as $5; it is $7.