- Overview
- Guiding Documents
- Kindergarten
- Grade 1
- Grade 2
- Grade 3
- Grade 4
- Grade 5
- Grade 6
- Grade 7
- Grade 8
- High School
- Brown (Grades 5 & 6) Math Enrichment
The Mathematics program in Madison prepares students to be mathematically literate, understand major mathematics concepts, possess computational facility and have the ability to apply these understandings to situations in daily life. Our goal is for students to make informed decisions about the world around them and to have the interest and confidence to meet an increasingly quantitative, data-rich global society’s needs and challenges.
Teachers carefully choose complex mathematical tasks in which to engage students. Students draw on knowledge from a wide variety of mathematical topics, sometimes approaching the same problem from different mathematical perspectives or representing the mathematics in different ways, until they find methods that enable them to make progress. Alone or in groups and with appropriate access to technology, they work productively and reflectively, with the guidance of their teachers. Students communicate, orally and in writing, their ideas and results to justify their argument and seek feedback from their audience.
To teach math effectively teachers of mathematics need strong content knowledge combined with good instructional skills and sound pedagogy. Teachers create inquiries, choose problems, and explore multiple solution pathways that will foster student engagement. Teachers regularly assess understanding by asking the student to justify, in a way that is appropriate to the student’s mathematical maturity, why a particular mathematical statement is true, or where a mathematical rule comes from. Teachers take a balanced approach to mathematics education, which places equal importance on conceptual understanding, computational and procedural fluency and problem solving through a variety of strategies and tools.
In the creation of the Madison Public Schools mathematics curriculum, Madison’s Profile of a Graduate Capacities served as the foundation and Common Core State Standards (CCSS) were carefully considered for developmental and conceptual appropriateness for each course.
The curriculum communicates high standards and expectations for students to routinely apply the CCSS Mathematical Practices:
- Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
- Reason abstractly and quantitatively
- Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
- Model with mathematics
- Use appropriate tools strategically
- Attend to precision
- Look for and make use of structure
Local Values in Curriculum Design
These priorities were used to develop K-12 Transfer Goals that are most frequently revisited and assessed in curricular units throughout a student’s academic career:
Mathematics Transfer Goals |
Students will be able to independently use their learning to:
The capacities are embedded and assessed in each unit design. Every content area is unique, and some have clusters by the very nature of their discipline
Guiding Documents
Kindergarten Mathematics
Working Through Five
In Unit A, teachers establish a math workshop environment for the year. Routines center around structuring small groups and utilizing work places. Throughout the unit, students learn the structure of our number system with emphasis on the following skills:
- understanding the number word sequence and answering "How many?"
- one-to-one correspondence
- cardinality
- recognize the quantity without counting (subitizing)
The five-frame, ten-frame, and finger patterns are key models featured in this unit to help students subitize quantities from 0 to 10.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Five and Ten, Do it Again!
In this unit, the question of "how many" begins to shift to "which is more and which is less". Student activities should focus on promoting flexible ways of interpreting or representing and recognizing quantities, not memorizing combinations. Students visually represent numbers by using five frames, ten frames, number racks, finger patterns and tallies to:
- find and recognize combinations of numbers that make 5
- recognize and compare quantities within 10
- compose and decompose numbers less than 5
- compare numbers
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
How Much? How Many?
This unit introduces interval counting through the use of the number line and length measurement. Students are introduced to the number line model through hands-on activities that help them interpret the structure of the number line and the difference between discrete and interval counting. Students investigate the number line model in order to:
- order and compare numbers less than 20
- solve addition and subtraction problems within 10
- count on from a given number
- compare objects to see which is longer, shorter or the same length
- add with pennies and nickels
As students enter first grade, interval counting becomes crucial as the number line becomes the primary model for solving addition and subtraction problems.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Shaping Up
Students begin to examine, identify, compare, and sort two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. They explore largely through play, how to describe the world around them using geometry terms. Attributes are realized through careful analysis as students notice how some are helpful in defining the geometry of a shape, while others are not. They will construct and deconstruct a variety of shapes in order to build both realistic and imagined objects.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Product Creation
Ten and Then Some
In this unit, students will use a variety of materials to represent mathematical situations. Students will read, write, and compare numerals with one-to-one correspondence and cardinality. They will also relate comparing numbers to comparing the weight of two objects.
Students will decompose or break numbers into their component parts based on place value in order to:
- recognize numbers 11-20 as "ten and some more"
- compare numbers to 20 using greater than and less than
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Product Creation
Problems All Around Us
Throughout the next 3-4 weeks, students strengthen their understanding of the connections between quantity, number related combinations, and written notation to 20. They spend more time developing fluency with addition and subtraction to 5 and continue to develop strategies for adding and subtracting to 10. A deeper understanding of subtraction is developed seeing subtraction as both taking away and comparing. Students learn to identify and solve problems by applying known facts or using materials to model and then solve problems.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Grade 1
Mathematics Grade 1
Numbers All Around Us
To begin the year, students will establish their rights and responsibilities within the math workshop and Number Corner environment. Students use Work Places as regular opportunities to socially engage in mathematical learning while sharing strategies with fellow students. Small guided math groups are facilitated during this time to help students consolidate or extend their learning.
Unit A is designed to help students develop a sense of numbers and their relationships to one another through looking at several key counting and number concepts.
- Organizing and counting objects moving to counting forward and backward
- Grouping and counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s
- Subitizing is developed through the use of models such as number racks, ten frames, tally marks, graphs, and number lines
Subitizing is a key step in developing strategies to add and subtract. Students will begin to develop part-part- whole reasoning which is useful in problem contexts involving combining and separating numbers. Throughout the unit, students analyze mathematical problems and situations by deconstructing questions or problems to identify relevant information and appropriate strategies for solving the problem. By the end of the unit, students understand how to use, visualize and create models such as number racks and ten frames to solve a novel problem that they have analyzed in order to find a solution pathway.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Equal: to Be or Not to Be?
In this unit students will continue modeling with mathematical tools to build confidence using efficient and effective strategies to add and subtract single-digit numbers. While students have been using the equals sign before, this is the first time they learn that two expressions are of equal value (rather than just the symbol that means "the answer"). Students identify, select, and implement efficient strategies when problem solving in order to:
- develop their part-part-whole reasoning in order to see the part as distinct from the whole
- subitize within combinations of 5 and 10
- justify the most applicable and/or efficient tool/strategy for solving a given problem
- find missing addends and subtrahends (the number being subtracted)
- develop mastery with number facts up to 10 and use of strategies to model number families to 20
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Leap Frogging
This unit begins with a place value introduction using estimation jars and counting collections. Students develop an understanding of our number system and build two-digit numbers. Students learn:
- that ten ones makes one ten
- there are ten digits in our number system that make up all numbers
- to identify the number of tens and ones in a number
Then the unit shifts into placing two-digit numbers on the number line, helping students visualize number relationships in order to count and calculate.
- Closed and open number lines are used both as models of our number system, as well as models for beginning operations with addition and subtraction.
- Numbers lines with both large scales (skip-count by 10s or 50s) and small scales (skip count by 1s or 5s) ranging to 120 are introduced.
- Students learn that addition and subtraction problems can be solved in different ways.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Product Creation
One of These Shapes is Not Like the Others
Students build upon their kindergarten understanding to examine, identify, compare, and sort two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. They explore largely through play, how to describe the world around them using geometry terms. Attributes are realized through careful analysis as students notice how some are helpful in defining the geometry of a shape, while others are not. They will construct and deconstruct a variety of shapes in order to build both realistic and imagined objects. They will also develop a basic understanding of fractions as they learn that shapes can be divided into equal parts.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Collective Intelligence, Product Creation
Reviewing Strategies & Word Problems
In this unit, first graders will continue to:
- develop fluency with addition and subtraction within 10
- develop strategies to solve addition facts to 20
- use tools to model, solve, and create story problems of all types (start unknown, change unknown and result unknown)
Through careful analysis, students will begin to recognize patterns within problem types and become skilled at solving and writing story problems.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Product Creation
To 100 and Beyond
The focus of this unit is on place value, deepening understanding of numbers to 120. Students will estimate, count, compare, add, and subtract two-digit numbers using models including the number line and sticks & bundles. Computation strategies, such as making "jumps" of 2s, 5s, and 10s on pathways develops students' problem solving ability. The use of coins is incorporated to further explore place value at the end of the unit.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Grade 2
Mathematics Grade 2
Figure the Facts
To begin the year, students will establish their rights and responsibilities within the math workshop and Number Corner environment. Students use Work Places as regular opportunities to socially engage in mathematical learning while sharing strategies with fellow students. Small guided math groups are facilitated during this time to help students consolidate or extend their learning.
In this first unit, students develop confidence and fluency with number relationships, operations, and facts in the range of 0 to 20. This operational sense depends heavily on a solid number foundation developed in earlier grades. The goal of this unit is to help students develop solid understandings of addition and subtraction and some of the ways in which these two operations complement each other, which will lead to the development of confidence and fluency with the number facts as they appear in real-world contexts. Fact retrieval is based on models, the use of strategies, and intuition, as opposed to rote memorization and recall. They can create a variety of combinations of 20 and justify their solutions using models, pictures and words.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Product Creation
Place Value and Adding/Subtracting Within 100
Throughout Unit B, students build upon their operational sense with number relationships to 20 developed in Unit A as they explore base ten concepts and models within 1,000. Students focus on the first three place value units: ones, tens, and hundreds.
Students will decompose or break numbers into their component parts based on place value in order to:
- use models for grouping including tallying with bundled objects, discrete counters, base ten area pieces, and the number line (open and close)
- employ splitting strategies
- solve word problems involving addition and subtraction within 100 with unknowns in all positions
- recognize subtraction as finding the difference between 2 points on a number line.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Product Creation
Sizing It Up
The focus of this unit shifts from earlier work with addition, subtraction and place value concepts to those concerning measurement. Students will discover the need for a standard unit of measurement as their attempts to measure without one become widely varied and confusing. Students learn to measure inches, feet, yards, centimeters and meters and recognize connections and relationships between units of measure. The effect the size of the unit has on the corresponding measurement is recognized. This understanding lends itself to informal pictorial experience with ratios and proportional reasoning, laying groundwork for the multiplicative thinking required in third grade. With this understanding comes greater ability to justify a most appropriate tool and/or unit to use when measuring objects of various sizes. Because of this, students will also become more adept at making unit conversions.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
How... is 1000?
Throughout the course of the next 4-5 weeks, students develop a deeper understanding of place value of numbers to 1,000. This will build upon concepts and models students refined for adding and subtracting within 100 as was introduced in Unit B.
Students will compose and decompose numbers based on place value using multiple models and representations including sticks, cubes, paper clips and coins in order to understand:
- sets of 10 and 100 as single entities (unitizing);
- the position of any individual digit determines the size of the group that digit is counting;
- multi-digit numbers are formed by following the same counting pattern present in single digit counting;
- any number can be decomposed based on place value groupings in multiple ways.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Product Creation
Name It, Make It, Shape It, Break It, Build It, Move It and Compare It
In this unit students reason with shapes and their attributes. Students will identify, describe, construct, draw, compare, contrast, and sort various types of triangles and quadrilaterals, as well as other shapes. They partition shapes into equal shares. In addition, they relate halves, fourths and skip counting by 5's to tell time and solve problems involving money.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Product Creation
Adding/Subtracting Within 1000
This unit incorporates concepts of multi-digit addition and subtraction within story problem contexts. Students will spend time working together to solve and create story problems involving adding and subtracting 3-digit numbers within real-world applications such as a toy store and party planning. Emphasis is placed on student-invented and generated strategies, such as concrete models, drawings, and strategies based on place value through 1,000.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Collective Intelligence
Grade 3
Mathematics Grade 3
Addition and Subtraction Patterns within 1,000
This unit begins reviewing patterns in addition and subtraction facts to 20, the pattern of adding 10s, and problem solving which were taught in grade 2. The concept of rounding to the nearest ten and/or hundred is introduced which is then used as a strategy to estimate and partition three-digit numbers in order to add and subtract efficiently. Later in the unit, the students apply the addition and subtraction strategies they have learned to add and subtract multi-digit numbers efficiently on the open number line. They practice place value splitting with addition. Students are introduced to adding and subtracting numbers using expanded notation as well as the standard algorithm for each. Students gain experiences and strategies for making sense of problems and communicating effectively about the accuracy and efficiency of various solutions. In this unit, expectations for working cooperatively on learning tasks are established.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Introduction to Multiplication & Division Concepts
In Unit 2, students begin to develop a conceptual understanding of multiplication and division. Investigations begin with contexts and problems that invite students to multiply and divide and to think about equal groups. Students are introduced to loops and groups, skip counting, repeated addition and then make use of a variety of models for multiplication and division including equal groups, arrays and number lines. They learn the zero, identity and associative properties. They apply what they have learned by solving problems involving all four operations.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
In this unit, students begin by building, comparing, and investigating relationships between unit and common fractions using several models including parts of a whole and number line models. The number line model is further developed to understand fractions greater than a whole and representing whole numbers as fractions, i.e. 3 = 3/1. Using models, students explore comparing fractions with like denominators or like numerators and begin building an understanding of equivalent fractions. Students then learn how to measure to the nearest 1/2 and 1/4 inch on a ruler and create line plots using measurement data.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
For Good Measure
This unit focuses on measurement concepts and skills. Students tell time to the minute and solve elapsed time problems. Then, the class explores measuring mass/ weight and volume using metric units of measurement. Students estimate, measure, and compare the masses of different objects and work with volume. The unit builds upon the strategies to add and subtract 3-digit numbers that were introduced in Unit 3 as students solve measurement-related story problems. Perimeter problems are also solved while addition strategies are further refined.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Extending Multiplication & Division Concepts
Unit 5 returns to the study of multiplication, especially as it relates to division. Students focus on multiplication strategies and multiplying by multiples of 10. During this unit, students will practice strategies for multiplying single digit numbers by 0 -5 which should be learned "from memory" by the end of grade 3. They will also be introduced to strategies for multiplying by 6 - 9. Story problems play a major role in the unit helping students to connect their everyday experiences with division to more formal mathematical concepts. They will encounter different interpretations of division such as the area model and will have multiple opportunities to build understanding of different models and meanings. The connection between multiplication and division is also drawn through work that revolves around fact families. Toward the end of the unit, area is also introduced.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Quadruple the Fun
In Unit 6, students analyze polygons in various contexts including in relationship to fractions. They develop increasingly precise ways to describe, classify, and make generalizations about two-dimensional shapes, particularly quadrilaterals. Models such as tangrams, toothpicks, colored tiles, linear units, and geoboards help build an understanding that shared attributes can define a larger category. In addition, quadrilaterals are partitioned into parts with equal areas and the area of each equal part is expressed as a unit fraction of the whole.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Design
Grade 4
Mathematics Grade 4
Multiplicative Thinking
This unit focuses on developing concepts related to multiplication and division through models (open number line, tile arrays, area model and the ratio table), strategies for multiplication facts and multiplicative comparisons. Students continue to transition from additive to multiplicative thinking, a process begun in third grade, by studying multiplicative comparisons presented in story problems involving both multiplication and division. The first lessons set the tone for the year with community building and introduce expectations for problem strings and math forums. This unit also establishes expectations for working cooperatively on learning tasks.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Collective Intelligence, Product Creation
Multiplication, Division and Strategies Oh My!
This unit focuses on an applied and visual approach to multi-digit multiplication and early division with remainders. Students deepen their understandings of multiplication and division continuing on the journey to multiplicative reasoning developed in unit 1. They apply number sense to developing useful models such as the ratio table and the array or area model and mental strategies such as doubling and halving for multiplying and dividing with an increasing degree of efficiency. They also continue to develop proficiency with basic multiplication and division facts. As they are solving various problems, students justify their reasoning using clear models and mathematical language as they create products.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Full of Wholes
In this unit, students use concrete manipulatives and visual models to explore unit fractions, common fractions, mixed numbers, improper fractions, equivalent fractions, and decimals as well as addition and subtraction of fractions. Students begin to understand how two fractions with unlike numerators and unlike denominators can be equal and they develop methods for generating and recognizing equivalent fractions. The connection between unit fractions and common fractions leads toward multiplying fractions by whole numbers. Fraction works extends into decimals by considering the equivalence of tenths and hundredths. Students must understand that comparisons of fractions or decimals are valid only when the two fractions or decimals refer to the same whole.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Product Creation
It All Adds Up to This
Unit 4 focuses on place value to 1,000,000 and multi-digit addition and subtraction strategies. Students will investigate place value of numbers to a million including rounding numbers to any given place. In this unit, a strand of numeric exploration and investigation that was launched in Grade 1 and developed throughout Grades 2 and 3 comes to a logical conclusion as students are introduced to the standard, or traditional, algorithms for multi-digit addition and subtraction.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Measurement and Geometry
The unit begins developing an understanding of units of measurement for length, capacity and mass in both the customary and metric systems. Students also explore converting units of measurement within the same system primarily using ratio tables. They also solve elapsed time problems and expanded their knowledge of time to the second level. Determining measurements such as perimeter, area, and angle measurement are introduced. After exploring measurement units, students are given opportunities to compare, analyze, classify, and measure polygons and angles. They develop understanding of numerous properties of shapes, including symmetry, congruence, parallel and perpendicular sides. The purpose of this unit is to deepen their thinking from visualization and analysis stages to that of informal deduction, or "if-then" reasoning.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Product Creation
Refining Multiplication and Division Strategies
The instruction in Unit 6 picks up where Unit 2 left off, further developing the skills and concepts associated with multi-digit multiplication and division. Students discover that the models they have been using and strategies they have developed for multi-digit multiplication work equally well for division. They learn to divide numbers into the thousands by 1-digit divisors, using strategies based on the relationship between multiplication and division, as well as on place value, and the properties of operations.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Grade 5
Mathematics Grade 5
Expressions, Equations and Volume
In this unit, students use the study of volume to review and extend a host of skills and concepts related to multiplication. Students investigate a scenario in which they find different ways to arrange 24 cubes into a rectangular prism. This prompts a deeper look at the associative and commutative properties of multiplication as students use expressions with parentheses to represent different rectangular prisms. Students develop major multi-digit multiplications strategies to solve real world and mathematical problems in elegant and efficient ways. The link between multiplication and division is revisited through the lens of the area model.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Strategies for Multiplying and Dividing
In this unit, students continue their study of multiplication and division strategies. The teacher formally introduces the standard multiplication algorithm after reviewing the area model and partial products. Students investigate a number of strategies that capitalize on their estimation and mental math skills that help them to continue to develop strong number sense. These include strategies that leverage the relationships between multiplication and division such as the fact that 5 is half of 10 and the process of doubling and halving. The connection is made between multiplication and division using the area model and ratio tables to help students develop a degree of comfort with division problems. Students are introduced to the partial quotients strategy for division problems. Throughout the unit, students continue to solve volume problems using their new multiplication and division strategies.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Adding and Subtracting Fractions
In this unit, students add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators, using a variety of strategies to find common denominators. Money, clocks and double number lines serve to help students develop intuitions about finding common denominators in order to compare, add, and subtract fractions. Students are introduced to the use of ratio tables to rewrite fractions with common denominators. They extend these strategies and models to solving a variety of story problems, and make generalizations about finding common denominators. When using the double number line strategy, they multiply fractions by whole numbers in order to find distances on the number line. They create line plots involving fractional lengths and solve problems using the data displayed in the line plots. In addition, students learn to simplify fractions.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Place Value and Decimals
In this unit, students study skills and concepts related to the place value of decimals to the thousandth place, from reading, writing and comparing decimals to rounding and examining the relationship of decimal patterns including multiplying and dividing numbers by 10. Students use their place value understandings of whole numbers and decimals to add and subtract decimals to the hundredths as well as multiply and divide decimals using ratio tables and other models. Place value patterns are used to convert units of measurement in the metric system.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
In Unit 5, students extend their understandings of multiplication and division to working with fractions. The unit begins with a review and extension of skills and concepts first introduced in Grade 4 to solidify their understandings of whole-number-by-fraction multiplication. Then, students use rectangular arrays to model and solve fraction-by-fraction multiplication problems. Students generalize their understanding of the model to be able to multiply fractions without a model and to consider how the size of the factors when multiplying with fractions impacts the size of the product relative to the factors. Students are also introduced to division of whole numbers by unit fractions, and unit fractions by whole numbers. There is a strong emphasis throughout the unit on sense-making and understanding, as students tackle material that is conceptually challenging.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Geometry and Coordinate Graphing
Unit F
Geometry and Coordinate Graphing
In this unit, students encounter several new geometric concepts. Coordinate graphing in the first quadrant is formally introduced. Students learn how to identify and plot coordinates using the x- axis and y-axis. They also begin to look at patterns represented by graphing on a coordinate grid. In addition, the use of hierarchies to classify two-dimensional shapes by their properties is presented. Specifically students study triangles and quadrilaterals. When classifying 2-D shapes, students understand that while the properties that belong to a category of two-dimensional figures also belong to all the subcategories, the reverse is not true.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Product Creation
Grade 6
Mathematics Grade 6
Content Area & Surface Area
In this unit, students extend their reasoning about area begun in third grade to include shapes that are not composed of rectangles. Through activities designed and sequenced to allow students to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them, students build their knowledge of areas of rectangles to find the areas of polygons by decomposing and rearranging them to make figures whose areas they can determine. They learn strategies for finding areas of parallelograms and triangles, and use regularity in repeated reasoning to develop formulas for these areas, using geometric properties to justify the correctness of these formulas. They use these formulas to solve problems. They understand that any polygon can be decomposed into triangles, and use this knowledge to find areas of polygons. Students find the surface areas of polyhedra with triangular and rectangular surfaces. They study, assemble, and draw nets, a pattern that you can cut and fold to make a model of a solid shape, for polyhedra and use nets to determine surface areas.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Design
Introducing Rations, Unit Rate and Percentages
In this unit, students learn that a ratio is an association between two quantities, e.g., “1 teaspoon of drink mix to 2 cups of water.” Students analyze contexts that are often expressed in terms of ratios, such as recipes, mixtures of different paint colors, constant speed (an association of time measurements with distance measurements), and uniform pricing (an association of item amounts with prices). Students develop an understanding of ratios, equivalent ratios, and unit rates. Students analyze situations involving both discrete and continuous quantities, and involving ratios of quantities with units that are the same and that are different. They learn all ratios that are equivalent to can be made by multiplying both and by the same non-zero number. Throughout the unit, students are introduced to discrete diagrams, double number line diagrams and ratio tables as tools that can assist in solving ratio problems. After developing an understanding of what a ratio is, students begin exploring “part-part-whole” ratios. They learn how to interpret ratios as rates per 1 or unit rate. Measurement conversions provide other opportunities to use rates. Students learn that “percent” means “per 100” and indicates a rate. Just as a unit rate can be interpreted in context as a rate per 1, a percentage can be interpreted in the context from which it arose as a rate per 100.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Computing with Fractions and Decimals
The unit begins with students considering division situations. They consider how the relative sizes of numerator and denominator affect the size of their quotient which is very important as they begin to solve problems dividing fractions. Equal groups and comparison situations are represented by tape diagrams and equations. Students learn to interpret, represent, and describe these situations, using terminology such as “What fraction of 6 is 2?”, “How many 3s are in 12?”, “How many fourths are in 3?”, “is one-third as long as,” “is two-thirds as much as,” and “is one-and-one-half times the size of.” After working with diagrams to represent division with fraction situations, students build on their work from the previous section by considering quotients related to products of numbers and unit fractions, to establish that dividing by a fraction is the same as multiplying by its reciprocal. Students then use their learning of the algorithm for dividing fractions to solve volume measurement problems. This builds upon work begun in Unit A.
The unit then moves to calculating and solving problems with decimals. The algorithms for addition, subtraction, and multiplication, which students used with whole numbers in earlier grades, are extended to decimals of arbitrary length. Students review strategies learned in earlier grades for adding and subtracting and discuss efficient algorithms and their advantages. Multiplication of decimals, begins by asking students to estimate products of a whole number and a decimal, allowing students to be reminded of appropriate magnitudes for results of calculations with decimals. In this section, students extend their use of efficient algorithms for multiplication from whole numbers to decimals. They begin by writing products of decimals as products of fractions, calculating the product of the fractions, then writing the product as a decimal. They discuss the effect of multiplying by powers of 0.1, noting that multiplying by 0.1 has the same effect as dividing by 10. The multiplication algorithms are introduced and students use them, initially supported by area diagrams. Students are formally introduced to the algorithm for long division. They begin with quotients of whole numbers, first representing these quotients with base-ten diagrams, then proceeding to efficient algorithms, initially supporting their use with base-ten diagrams. Students then tackle quotients of whole numbers that result in decimals, quotients of decimals and whole numbers, and finally quotients of decimals.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Expressions, Equations & Rational Numbers
Students begin the unit by working with linear equations that have single occurrences of one variable. They represent relationships with tape diagrams and with linear equations, explaining correspondences between these representations. They examine values that make a given linear equation true or false, and what it means for a number to be a solution to an equation. Balanced and unbalanced “hanger diagrams” are introduced as a way to reason about solving the linear equations of the first section. Students then write expressions with whole-number exponents and whole-number, fraction, or variable bases. They evaluate such expressions, using properties of exponents strategically. They understand that a solution to an equation in one variable is a number that makes the equation true when the number is substituted for all instances of the variable. They represent algebraic expressions and equations in order to solve problems.
In the second part of the unit, signed numbers are introduced. Students begin by considering examples of positive and negative temperatures, plotting each temperature on a vertical number line on which 0 is the only label. Next, they consider examples of positive and negative numbers used to denote height relative to sea level. In the second lesson, they plot positive and negative numbers on horizontal number lines, including “opposites”—pairs of numbers that are the same distance from zero. They use “less than,” “greater than,” and the corresponding symbols to describe the relationship of two signed numbers. They learn that the absolute value of a number is its distance from zero, how to use absolute value notation, and that opposites have the same absolute value because they have the same distance from zero. In comparing two signed numbers, students distinguish between magnitude (the absolute value of a number) and order (relative position on the number line), distinguishing between “greater than” and “greater absolute value,” and “less than” and “smaller absolute value.” Students examine opposites of numbers, noticing that the opposite of a negative number is positive.
Students graph simple inequalities in one variable on the number line, using a circle or disk to indicate when a given point is, respectively, excluded or included. Students represent situations that involve inequalities, symbolically and with the number line, understanding that there may be infinitely many solutions for an inequality. They interpret and graph solutions in contexts (MP2), understanding that some results do not make sense in some contexts, and thus the graph of a solution might be different from the graph of the related symbolic inequality.
In this unit, students work in all four quadrants of the coordinate plane, plotting pairs of signed number coordinates in the plane. They understand that for a given data set, there are more and less strategic choices for the scale and extent of a set of axes. They understand the correspondence between the signs of a pair of coordinates and the quadrant of the corresponding point. They interpret the meanings of plotted points in given contexts and use coordinates to calculate horizontal and vertical distances between two points.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Data Sets and Distributions
Building on, and reinforcing their understanding of number, students begin to develop their ability to think statistically. First, they learn what makes a good statistical question. Students recognize that different ways to measure center yield different values. Students recognize that a measure of variability can also be useful for summarizing data because two very different sets of data can have the same mean and median yet be distinguished by their variability. Students learn to describe and summarize numerical data sets, identifying clusters, peaks, gaps, and symmetry, considering the context in which the data were collected. They work with measures of variability—understanding and using the terms “range”, “mean absolute deviation” or MAD, “quartile,” and “interquartile range” or IQR. Students will use data on dot plots, bar graphs, histograms and box plots. Although the students will be creating data displays, throughout the unit, the emphasis should be on the student reading, understanding and critically reflecting on displayed data.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Product Creation
Grade 7
Mathematics Grade 7
Grade 7 Mathematics
Proportional Drawings and Relationships
In this unit, students study scaled copies of pictures and plane figures, then apply what they have learned to scale drawings, e.g., maps and floor plans. Students begin by looking at copies of pictures and use their own words to describe what differentiates scaled and non-scaled copies of a picture. As the unit progresses, students learn that all lengths in a scaled copy are multiplied by a scale factor and all angles stay the same. They draw scaled copies of figures. They learn that if the scale factor is greater than 1, the copy will be larger, and if the scale factor is less than 1, the copy will be smaller. Next, students see that the principles and strategies that they used to reason about scaled copies of figures can be used with scale drawings. They work with scales that involve units (e.g., “1 cm represents 10 km”), and scales that do not include units (e.g., “the scale is 1 to 100”). They understand that actual lengths are products of a scale factor and corresponding lengths in the scale drawing, thus lengths in the drawing are the product of the actual lengths and the reciprocal of that scale factor.
The second portion of this unit focuses on understanding what a proportional relationship is, how it is represented, and what types of contexts give rise to proportional relationships. In a table of equivalent ratios, a multiplicative relationship between the pair of rows is given by a scale factor. By contrast, the multiplicative relationship between the columns is given by a unit rate. The relationship between pairs of values in the two columns is called a proportional relationship, the unit rate that describes this relationship is called a constant of proportionality, and the quantity represented by the right column is said to be proportional to the quantity represented by the left. Students learn that any proportional relationship can be represented by an equation of the form y=kx where k is the constant of proportionality, that its graph lies on a line through the origin and that the constant of proportionality indicates the steepness of the line. By the end of the unit, students should be able to easily work with common contexts associated with proportional relationships (such as constant speed, unit pricing, and measurement conversions) and be able to determine whether a relationship is proportional or not.
Throughout the unit, they discuss their mathematical ideas and respond to the ideas of others. In the culminating PBA of this unit, students make a floor plan of a room of their choice. This is an opportunity for them to apply what they have learned in the unit to everyday life.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Collective Intelligence, Product Creation
Measuring Circles
In this brief unit students apply their knowledge of proportional relationships to the study of circles. The unit begins with activities designed to help students come to a more precise understanding of the characteristics of a circle. Students measure circular objects, investigating the relationship between measurements of circumference and diameter by making tables and graphs. Next, students encounter at least one informal derivation of the fact that the area of a circle is equal to times the square of its radius.
Finally, students select and use formulas for the area and circumference of a circle to solve abstract and real-world problems that involve calculating lengths and areas. They express measurements in terms of pi or using appropriate approximations of pi to express them numerically.
The PBA about stained glass windows gives students an opportunity to once again use their collective intelligence to inform their solution. They are asked to create a design with specific criteria and support their choices through mathematics.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Collective Intelligence, Product Creation
Proportional Relationships and Percents
In this unit, students deepen their understanding of ratios, scale factors, unit rates (constants of proportionality), and proportional relationships, using them to solve multi-step problems that are set in a wide variety of contexts that involve fractions, decimals and percentages. Throughout the unit students work together to make sense of problems and create solutions.
The unit begins by revisiting scale factors and proportional relationships, each of which has been the focus of a previous unit. Both of these concepts can be used to solve problems that involve equivalent ratios. However, it is often more efficient to view equivalent ratios as pairs that are in the same proportional relationship rather than seeing one pair as obtained by multiplying both entries of the other by a scale factor. From the proportional relationship perspective, all that is needed is the constant of proportionality—which is the same for every ratio in the proportional relationship.
Next students learn about percent increase and decrease. Students consider situations for which percentages can be used to describe a change relative to an initial amount, e.g., prices before and after a 25% increase. They begin by considering situations with unspecified amounts. They next consider situations with a specified amount and percent change, or with initial and final amounts, using double number line diagrams to find the unknown amount or percent change. Next, they use equations to represent such situations, using the distributive property to show that different expressions for the same amount are equivalent.
Students then use their abilities to find percentages and percent rates to solve problems that involve sales tax, tip, discount, markup, markdown, and commission and percent error.
The PBA, In the News, gives students an opportunity to examine current news using new skills involving percents especially those using percent increase/decrease. They will work with a partner to pose and solve questions creating a visual display of their solution as they have throughout the unit.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Collective Intelligence, Product Creation
Rational Number Arithmetic
This unit begins by revisiting ideas familiar from grade 6: how signed numbers are used to represent quantities such as measurements of temperature and elevation, opposites (pairs of numbers on the number line that are the same distance from zero), and absolute value.
Next, students extend addition and subtraction from fractions to all rational numbers. They begin by considering how changes in temperature and elevation can be represented—first with tables and number line diagrams, then with addition and subtraction expressions and equations. Initially, physical contexts provide meanings for sums and differences that include negative numbers. Students work with numerical addition and subtraction expressions and equations, becoming more fluent in computing sums and differences of signed numbers. Using the meanings that they have developed for addition and subtraction of signed numbers, they write equivalent numerical addition and subtraction expressions, e.g., -8 + (-3) and -8 - 3; and they write different equations that express the same relationship.
Next students study multiplication and division. They build understanding of these operations through repeated addition of signed numbers and by examining patterns. Later, in the process of solving problems set in contexts, they write and solve multiplication and division equations.
By this point students will need practice using all four operations on rational numbers, making use of structure, e.g., to see without calculating that the product of two factors is positive because the values of the factors are both negative. They solve problems that involve interpreting negative numbers in context, for instance, when a negative number represents a rate at which water is flowing. They begin working with linear equations in one variable that have rational number coefficients. At first the focus is representing situations with equations and what it means for a number to be a solution for an equation, rather than methods for solving equations. Such methods are the focus of a later unit.
During the Stock Market PBA students select a group of stocks, track their value and then compare the percent increase/decrease in value to that of their peers to determine a winner.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Expressions, Equations and Inequalities
Students begin by representing relationships of two quantities with tape diagrams and with equations noticing that one tape diagram can be described by different (but related) equations. The two main types of situations examined can be modeled with the equations of the form px +q = r and p(x +q) = r, where p, q, and r are rational numbers.
Next, students solve equations of the forms px +q = r and p(x +q) = r,, then solve problems that can be represented by such equations. They begin by considering balanced and unbalanced “hanger diagrams,” matching hanger diagrams with equations, and using the diagrams to understand two algebraic steps in solving equations of the form px +q = r: subtract the same number from both sides, then divide both sides by the same number. Like a tape diagram, the same balanced hanger diagram can be described by different (but related) equations, e.g. 2(x + 3)= 18, and 2x + 6=18 .
They use the distributive property to transform an equation of one form into the other and note how such transformations can be used strategically in solving an equation.
Students also work with inequalities. They begin by examining values that make an inequality true or false, and using the number line to represent values that make an inequality true. They solve equations, examine values to the left and right of a solution, and use those values in considering the solution of a related inequality. Finally, students solve inequalities that represent real-world situations.
Students also work with equivalent linear expressions, using properties of operations to explain equivalence. They represent expressions with area diagrams, and use the distributive property to justify factoring or expanding an expression.
The PBA is an error analysis where students identify common errors and communicate the error to the reader.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Angles - Triangles and Prisms
In this unit students briefly investigate whether sets of angle and side length measurements determine unique triangles or multiple triangles, or fail to determine triangles. Students also study and apply angle relationships, learning to understand and use the terms “complementary,” “supplementary,” “vertical angles”. The work gives them practice working with rational numbers and equations for angle relationships. Students analyze and describe cross-sections of prisms, pyramids, and polyhedra. They understand and use the formula for the volume of a right rectangular prism, and solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume.
The students will use their geometry skills in the Poster Packaging PBA where they analyze a given box and improve upon it based on their own criteria.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Probability and Sampling
In this unit, students design and use simulations to estimate probabilities of outcomes of chance experiments and understand the probability of an outcome as its long-run relative frequency.
They represent sample spaces in tables and tree diagrams and as lists. They calculate the number of outcomes in a given sample space to find the probability of a given event. They consider the strengths and weaknesses of different methods for obtaining a representative sample from a given population. They generate samples from a given population and examine the distributions of the samples, comparing these to the distribution of the population. They compare two populations by comparing samples from each population.
The PBA, Kitten Simulation, offers students a chance to develop their own model for a simulation. They will run their simulation and then compare their results with that of their classmates.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Grade 7 Pre-Algebra
Proportional Drawings and Relationships
In this unit, students study scaled copies of pictures and plane figures, then apply what they have learned to scale drawings (maps and floor plans). Students begin by looking at copies of pictures and use their own words to describe what differentiates scaled and non-scaled copies of a picture. As the unit progresses, students learn that all lengths in a scaled copy are multiplied by a scale factor and all angles stay the same. They draw scaled copies of figures. They learn that if the scale factor is greater than 1, the copy will be larger, and if the scale factor is less than 1, the copy will be smaller. Next, students see that the principles and strategies that they used to reason about scaled copies of figures can be used with scale drawings. They work with scales that involve units (e.g., “1 cm represents 10 km”), and scales that do not include units (e.g., “the scale is 1 to 100”). They understand that actual lengths are products of a scale factor and corresponding lengths in the scale drawing, thus lengths in the drawing are the product of the actual lengths and the reciprocal of that scale factor.
The second portion of this unit focuses on understanding what a proportional relationship is, how it is represented, and what types of contexts give rise to proportional relationships. In a table of equivalent ratios, a multiplicative relationship between the pair of rows is given by a scale factor. By contrast, the multiplicative relationship between the columns is given by a unit rate. The relationship between pairs of values in the two columns is called a proportional relationship, the unit rate that describes this relationship is called a constant of proportionality, and the quantity represented by the right column is said to be proportional to the quantity represented by the left. Students learn that any proportional relationship can be represented by an equation of the form y=kx where k is the constant of proportionality, that its graph lies on a line through the origin and that the constant of proportionality indicates the steepness of the line. By the end of the unit, students should be able to easily work with common contexts associated with proportional relationships (such as constant speed, unit pricing, and measurement conversions) and be able to determine whether a relationship is proportional or not.
Throughout the unit, they discuss their mathematical ideas and respond to the ideas of others. In the culminating PBA of this unit, students make a floor plan of a room of their choice. This is an opportunity for them to apply what they have learned in the unit to everyday life.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Collective Intelligence, Product Creation
Measuring Circles
In this brief unit students apply their knowledge of proportional relationships to the study of circles. The unit begins with activities designed to help students come to a more precise understanding of the characteristics of a circle. Students measure circular objects, investigating the relationship between measurements of circumference and diameter by making tables and graphs. Next, students encounter at least one informal derivation of the fact that the area of a circle is equal to times the square of its radius.
Students select and use formulas for the area and circumference of a circle to solve abstract and real-world problems that involve calculating lengths and areas. They express measurements in terms of pi or using appropriate approximations of pi to express them numerically. Finally, students work with volume, using abilities developed in earlier work with geometry and geometric measurement to calculate the volume of a sphere, a cylinder, and a cone.
The PBA about stained glass windows gives students an opportunity to once again use their collective intelligence to inform their solution. They are asked to create a design with specific criteria and support their choices through mathematics.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Collective Intelligence, Product Creation
Proportional Relationships and Percents
In this unit, students deepen their understanding of ratios, scale factors, unit rates (constants of proportionality), and proportional relationships, using them to solve multi-step problems that are set in a wide variety of contexts that involve fractions, decimals and percentages. Throughout the unit students work together to make sense of problems and create solutions.
The unit begins by revisiting scale factors and proportional relationships, each of which has been the focus of a previous unit. Both of these concepts can be used to solve problems that involve equivalent ratios. However, it is often more efficient to view equivalent ratios as pairs that are in the same proportional relationship rather than seeing one pair as obtained by multiplying both entries of the other by a scale factor. From the proportional relationship perspective, all that is needed is the constant of proportionality—which is the same for every ratio in the proportional relationship.
Next students learn about percent increase and decrease. Students consider situations for which percentages can be used to describe a change relative to an initial amount, e.g., prices before and after a 25% increase. They begin by considering situations with unspecified amounts. They next consider situations with a specified amount and percent change, or with initial and final amounts, using double number line diagrams to find the unknown amount or percent change. Next, they use equations to represent such situations, using the distributive property to show that different expressions for the same amount are equivalent.
Students work with long division to make connections between fraction and decimal representation.
Students then use their abilities to find percentages and percent rates to solve problems that involve sales tax, tip, discount, markup, markdown, and commission and percent error.
The PBA, In the News, gives students an opportunity to examine current news using new skills involving percents especially those using percent increase/decrease. They will work with a partner to pose and solve questions creating a visual display of their solution as they have throughout the unit.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Collective Intelligence, Product Creation
Rational Number Arithmetic
This unit begins by revisiting ideas familiar from grade 6: how signed numbers are used to represent quantities such as measurements of temperature and elevation, opposites (pairs of numbers on the number line that are the same distance from zero), and absolute value.
Next, students extend addition and subtraction from fractions to all rational numbers. They begin by considering how changes in temperature and elevation can be represented—first with tables and number line diagrams, then with addition and subtraction expressions and equations. Initially, physical contexts provide meanings for sums and differences that include negative numbers. Students work with numerical addition and subtraction expressions and equations, becoming more fluent in computing sums and differences of signed numbers. Using the meanings that they have developed for addition and subtraction of signed numbers, they write equivalent numerical addition and subtraction expressions, e.g., -8 + (-3) and -8 - 3; and they write different equations that express the same relationship.
Next students study multiplication and division. They build understanding of these operations through repeated addition of signed numbers and by examining patterns. Later, in the process of solving problems set in contexts, they write and solve multiplication and division equations.
By this point students will need practice using all four operations on rational numbers, making use of structure, e.g., to see without calculating that the product of two factors is positive because the values of the factors are both negative. They solve problems that involve interpreting negative numbers in context, for instance, when a negative number represents a rate at which water is flowing. They begin working with linear equations in one variable that have rational number coefficients. At first the focus is representing situations with equations and what it means for a number to be a solution for an equation, rather than methods for solving equations. Such methods are the focus of a later unit.
During the Stock Market PBA students select a group of stocks, track their value and then compare the percent increase/decrease in value to that of their peers to determine a winner.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Expressions, Equations and Inequalities
Students begin by representing relationships of two quantities with tape diagrams and with equations noticing that one tape diagram can be described by different (but related) equations. The two main types of situations examined can be modeled with the equations of the form px +q = r and p(x +q) = r, where p, q, and r are rational numbers.
Next, students solve equations of the forms px +q = r and p(x +q) = r, then solve problems that can be represented by such equations. They begin by considering balanced and unbalanced “hanger diagrams,” matching hanger diagrams with equations, and using the diagrams to understand two algebraic steps in solving equations of the form px +q = r: subtract the same number from both sides, then divide both sides by the same number. Like a tape diagram, the same balanced hanger diagram can be described by different (but related) equations, e.g. 2(x + 3) = 18, and 2x + 6 = 18. They use the distributive property to transform an equation of one form into the other and note how such transformations can be used strategically in solving an equation.
Students also work with inequalities. They begin by examining values that make an inequality true or false, and using the number line to represent values that make an inequality true. They solve equations, examine values to the left and right of a solution, and use those values in considering the solution of a related inequality. Finally, students solve inequalities that represent real-world situations.
Students also work with equivalent linear expressions, using properties of operations to explain equivalence. They represent expressions with area diagrams, and use the distributive property to justify factoring or expanding an expression.
Finally, students examine equations with variables on both sides of the equation. The goal is to become fluent at examining the equation before attempting to solve it to determine if there is one, none or an infinite number of solutions. As with the equations and inequalities previously worked on in this unit, students are expected to solve these equations by showing a solution pathway that demonstrates an understanding of equality in equations as well as in expressions.
The PBA is an error analysis where students identify common errors and communicate the error to the reader.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Geometry (Angles, Prisms and Transformations)
In this unit students briefly investigate whether sets of angle and side length measurements determine unique triangles or multiple triangles, or fail to determine triangles. Students also study and apply angle relationships, learning to understand and use the terms “complementary,” “supplementary,” “vertical angles”. Parallel lines and the angles that result when there is a transversal are examined. Students see a simple proof for finding the angle sum of a triangle and then use this property to solve problems including those with exterior angles. The work gives them practice working with rational numbers and equations for angle relationships. Next, moving on to three dimensional objects, students analyze and describe cross-sections of prisms, pyramids, and polyhedra. They understand and use the formula for the volume of any prism, and solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume of prims.
The students will use their geometry skills in the Poster Packaging PBA where they analyze a given box and improve upon it based on their own criteria.
The unit also includes a study of rigid transformations including dilations, rotations, reflections and translations. Students pay particular attention to similarities and differences between the image and its new image. This topic is an 8th grade standard and teachers, as a team, may decide to teach it out of sequence at another point later in the year.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Beyond Rational Numbers
This unit focuses exclusively on topics that come from grade 8 math standards. Students begin by 'discovering' the rules for working with expressions with exponents. This work continues as we work with scientific notation. Students learn that expressing very large or small numbers in scientific notation can make computation with those numbers much more manageable. Along with becoming fluent with converting between standard and scientific notation, students solve problems that involve any of the four operations and scientific notation. Finally, the students learn about irrational numbers, especially estimating their values, so they are prepared to use them while working with the Pythagorean Theorem in both two and three dimensional space.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Probability and Sampling
In this unit, students design and use simulations to estimate probabilities of outcomes of chance experiments and understand the probability of an outcome as its long-run relative frequency.
They represent sample spaces in tables and tree diagrams and as lists. They calculate the number of outcomes in a given sample space to find the probability of a given event. They consider the strengths and weaknesses of different methods for obtaining a representative sample from a given population. They generate samples from a given population and examine the distributions of the samples, comparing these to the distribution of the population. They compare two populations by comparing samples from each population.
The PBA, Kitten Simulation, offers students a chance to develop their own model for a simulation. They will run their simulation and then compare their results with that of their classmates.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Grade 8
Mathematics Grade 8
Grade 8 Pre-Algebra
In this unit, students continue their study of geometry and geometric measurement. Students will extend their reasoning of plane figures with different rotation and mirror orientations. Students first encounter examples of transformations in the plane, without the added structure of a grid or coordinates and then extend this reasoning to transforming shapes on a square grid. Students identify and describe translations, rotations, and reflections, and sequences of these. Students learn that angles and distances are preserved by any sequence of translations, rotations, and reflections, and that such a sequence is called a "rigid transformation." Students experimentally verify the properties of translations, rotations, and reflections, and use these properties to reason about plane figures, understanding informal arguments showing that the alternate interior angles cut by a transversal have the same measure and that the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees. Students further their knowledge of transformations by comparing figures visually to determine if they are scaled copies of each other, then representing the figures in a diagram, and finally representing them on a circular grid with radial lines. Students draw images of figures under dilations on and off square grids and the coordinate plane. Students learn that angle measures are preserved under a dilation, but lengths in the image are multiplied by the scale factor.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Linear Relationships, Equations and Systems
In this unit, students learn the terms "slope" and "slope triangle," and use the similarity of slope triangles on the same line to understand that two distinct points on a line determine the same slope.
Students gain experience with linear relationships and their representations as graphs, tables, and equations. After a brief review of proportional relationships students move to those that are linear but not proportional. Students are introduced to “rate of change” as a way to describe the rate per 1 in a linear relationship and note that its numerical value is the same as that of the slope of the line that represents the relationship. Students analyze several linear relationships and establish ways to compute the slope of a line from any two distinct points on the line via repeated reasoning. Students consider situations with negative y-intercepts and/or slopes and interpret these graphs in context.
Next, students write and solve equations to represent a problem situation. In doing so, they state the meaning of symbols that represent unknowns, identify assumptions such as constant rate, select methods and representations to use in obtaining a solution, and reason to obtain a solution. Additionally, students interpret solutions in the contexts from which they arose and write them with appropriate units, communicating their reasoning to others, and identifying correspondence between verbal descriptions, tables, diagrams, equations, and graphs, and between different solution approaches. Students analyze groups of linear equations in one unknown, noting that they fall into three categories: no solution, exactly one solution, and infinitely many solutions. Given descriptions of real-world situations, students write and solve linear equations in one variable, interpreting solutions in the contexts from which the equations arose. Finally, students learn to use algebraic methods to solve systems of linear equations in two variables. Given descriptions of two linear relationships students interpret points on their graphs, including points on both graphs. Students categorize pairs of linear equations graphed on the same axes, noting that there are three categories: no intersection, exactly one point of intersection, and the same line.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Functions and Volume
In this unit, students are introduced to the concept of a function as a relationship between "inputs" and "outputs" in which each allowable input determines exactly one output. Students connect the terms "dependent" and "independent variable" with the inputs and outputs of a function. They use equations to express a dependent variable as a function of an independent variable. They work with tables, graphs, and equations of functions, learning the convention that the independent variable is generally shown on the horizontal axis. They work with verbal descriptions of a function arising from a real-world situation, identifying tables, equations, and graphs that represent the function, and interpreting information from these representations in terms of the real-world situation. Students use linear and piecewise linear functions to model relationships of quantities in real-world situations. Finally, students work with volume, using abilities developed in earlier work with geometry and geometric measurement to calculate the volume of a sphere, a cylinder, and a cone.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Exploring Number Systems
After an initial review of exponential expressions, students will examine powers of 10, formulating the rules where n and m are positive integers. After working with these powers of 10, they consider what the value of 100 should be and define 100 to be 1. Students consider what happens when the exponent rules are used on exponential expressions with base 10 and negative integer exponents and define 10-n to be . Next, students return to powers of 10 as a prelude to the introduction of scientific notation. Students consider differences in magnitude of powers of 10 and use powers of 10 and multiples of powers of 10 to describe magnitudes of quantities as well as very small quantities. Students discover the rules for multiplying and dividing numbers written in scientific notation as well as adding and subtracting numbers in scientific notation. This type of reasoning appears again in high school when students extend the rules of exponents to make sense of exponents that are not integers.
Students learn and use definitions for “rational number” and “irrational number.” They plot rational numbers, square roots, and cube roots on the number line. They use the meaning of “square root,” understanding that if a given number p is the square root of n, then x2 = n. Additionally, they understand that if a given number x is the square root of n and n is between m and p, then x2 is between the square root of m and p. This thought process extends itself to cube roots as well. Students learn (without proof) that the square root of 2 is irrational. They use the Pythagorean Theorem in two and three dimensions, e.g., to determine lengths of diagonals of rectangles and right rectangular prisms and to estimate distances between points in the coordinate plane. Students work with decimal representations of rational numbers and decimal approximations of irrational numbers.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Associations in Data
In this unit, students analyze bivariate data - using scatter plots and fitted lines to analyze numerical data, and using two-way tables to analyze categorical data.
Students make and examine scatter plots, interpreting points in terms of the quantities represented and identifying scatter plots that could represent verbal descriptions of associations between two numerical variables. Students see examples of how a line can be used to model an association between measurements displayed in a scatter plot and they compare values predicted by a linear model with the actual values given in the scatter plot (MP4). They draw lines to fit data displayed in scatter plots and informally assess how well the line fits by judging the closeness of the data points to the lines (MP4). Students compare scatter plots that show different types of associations (MP7) and learn to identify these types. They make connections between the overall shape of a cloud of points, the slope of a fitted line, and trends in the data, e.g., “a line fit to the data has a negative slope and the scatter plot shows a negative association between price of a used car and its mileage.” Outliers are informally identified based on their relative distance from other points in a scatter plot. Students examine scatter plots that show linear and non-linear associations as well as some sets of data that show clustering, describing their differences (MP7).
Lastly, students use two-way tables to analyze categorical data.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Grade 8 Algebra 1
Pre-Algebra Topics
This unit focuses on linear relationships and the connection between situations, tables, equations, and graphs.
The unit begins with an introduction to a slope triangle and establishes that the quotient of the vertical side length and the horizontal side length does not depend on the triangle; this number is called the slope of a line.
Next, students revisit the different representations of proportional relationships (graphs, tables, and equations) and the role of the constant of proportionality in each representation and how it may be interpreted in context. Next, students are introduced to "rate of change" as a way to describe the rate per 1 in a linear relationship and note that its numerical value is the same as that of the slope that represents the relationship. Students next consider negative slopes and the slopes of vertical and horizontal lines. Students practice graphing linear functions using the slope and the vertical intercept. Students practice writing equations of lines from a graph, a table, a situation, and from two specific points. The unit concludes with students transforming equations into slope-intercept form.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Product Creation
Linear Equations, Inequalities & Systems
The unit begins with students learning to think of equations as a way to represent constraints or limitations on quantities. Students also see that graphs of equations can help us make sense of constraints and identify values that satisfy them. Next, students investigate different ways to express the same relationship or constraint - by analyzing and writing equivalent equations. They look at moves than can transform one equation to an equivalent equation, recognizing that these are the moves we make to solve equations. The focus here is not only on identifying acceptable moves for solving, but also on explaining why these moves keep each subsequent equation true and maintain the solutions of the original equation.
Next, students encounter situations that involve two or more constraints and realize that systems of equations are helpful for representing these constraints. Students learn to solve systems of equations by elimination and explain why the steps taken to eliminate a variable are valid. Additionally, students reinforce their awareness that a system of equations could have one solution, no solutions, or infinitely many solutions.
Finally, students explore inequalities in one and two variables. They see that inequalities are a handy way to express constraints and can be satisfied by a range of values rather than a single value. Students see that a solution to an inequality is a value or a pair of values that make the inequality true and that the solution to a system of inequalities is any pair of values that make both inequalities to the system true.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Product Creation
Two-Variable Statistics
The unit begins with categorical data arranged in two-way tables that students are asked to analyze. Students then examine the relative frequencies of the combinations of those categorical variables. Students find the relative frequencies for combinations relative to the whole data set, as well as row or column relative frequencies to look at subgroups within categories. The row and column relative frequency tables are ultimately used to find evidence to determine if any associations are present in the data.
The unit then transitions to bivariate numerical data, which are visualized using scatter plots and lines of best fit. Students use technology to compute the lines of best fit and observe how well the linear models match the data. Correlation coefficients are used to quantify the goodness of fit for linear models.
The unit closes with an exploration of the difference between correlation and causal relationships, as well as an opportunity to apply this learning to areas of interest, like anthropology and sports.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
In this unit, students expand and deepen their understanding of functions. They develop new knowledge and skills for communicating about functions clearly and precisely, investigate different kinds of functions, and hone their ability to interpret functions. Students also use functions to model a wider variety of mathematical and real-world situations.
The unit opens with a refresher on what functions are and what they are not. Students use descriptions, tables, and graphs to reason about the idea of “exactly one output for each input.” Then, students learn that function notation is an efficient way to communicate succinctly about functions and devote some focused time to interpret this new notation and use it. They continue this work throughout the unit, employing the notation to perform increasingly sophisticated mathematical work: to analyze and compare functions, to write rules of functions (primarily linear functions), to solve for an input, to graph functions, and more.
Next, students focus their attention on graphs of functions and on how they help to tell stories about the relationships between the quantities in the functions. Students interpret features of graphs and relate them to features of situations, using terms such as “maximum,” “minimum,” and “intercepts” to describe their observations. From a graph, students can see intervals where the values of a function increase or decrease. They learn to use average rates of change to more precisely describe how quickly these values rise or fall. Students also sketch graphs to depict qualitative behavior of functions.
Students then go on to take a closer look at the input and output of a function. They think about possible and reasonable input and output values and learn to identify the domain and range of a function based on contextual and graphical information. This new awareness of input and output in turn helps students make sense of piecewise-defined functions, in which different rules apply to different intervals of the domain, producing different sets of output values.
Two variations of piecewise functions are studied here: step functions and absolute value functions. The latter are introduced with the idea of absolute errors as an entry point. Thinking about “how far away from a value” primes students to regard the absolute value function as a distance function. The graph of such a function is a distinct V shape, which is convenient for noticing the graphical effects of changing an expression that defines a function.
Students close the unit by applying their insights about functions to model real-world situations and solve problems.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Idea Generation
Introduction to Exponential Functions
In this unit, students are introduced to exponential relationships. Students learn that exponential relationships are characterized by a constant quotient over equal intervals, and compare it to linear relationships which are characterized by a constant difference over equal intervals. They encounter contexts that change exponentially. These contexts are presented verbally and with tables and graphs. They construct equations and use them to model situations and solve problems. Students investigate these exponential relationships without using function notation and language so that they can focus on gaining an appreciation for critical properties and characteristics of exponential relationships.
Students subsequently view these new types of relationships as functions and employ the notation and terminology of functions (for example, dependent and independent variables). They study graphs of exponential functions both in terms of contexts they represent and abstract functions that don’t represent a particular context, observing the effect of different values of a and b on the graph of the function represented by f(x)=ab^x.
In this unit, students learn that the output of an increasing exponential function is eventually greater than the output of an increasing linear function for the same input.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Quadratic Functions
This unit begins with students contrasting quadratic growth with linear and exponential growth. They further observe that eventually these quadratic patterns grow more quickly than linear patterns but more slowly than exponential patterns. Students examine the important example of free-falling objects whose height over time can be modeled with quadratic functions. They use tables, graphs, and equations to describe the movement of these objects, eventually looking at the situation where a projectile is launched upward. Through this investigation, students also begin to appreciate how the different coefficients in a quadratic function influence the shape of the graph. In addition to projectile motion, students examine other situations represented by quadratic functions including area and revenue.
Next, students examine the standard and factored forms of quadratic expressions. They investigate how each form is useful for understanding the graph of the function defined by these equivalent forms.
Finally, students investigate the vertex form of a quadratic function and understand how the parameters in the vertex form influence the graph. They learn how to determine the vertex of the graph from the vertex form of the function. They also begin to relate the different parameters in the vertex form to the general ideas of horizontal and vertical translation and vertical stretch, ideas which will be investigated further in a later course.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Quadratic Equations
In this unit, students interpret, write, and solve quadratic equations. They see that writing and solving quadratic equations enables them to find input values that produce certain output values.
Students begin solving quadratic equations by reasoning. Next, students learn that equations of the form (x - m)(x - n) = 0 can be easily solved by applying the zero product property, which says that when two factors have a product of 0, one of the factors must be 0. When the equations are not in factored form, students rearrange them so that one side is 0, and rewrite the expressions from standard form to factored form. Students soon recognize that not all quadratic expressions in standard form can be rewritten into factored form. Even when it is possible, finding the right two numbers may be tedious, so another strategy is needed.
Students encounter perfect squares and notice that solving a quadratic equation is pretty straightforward when the equation contains a perfect square on one side and a number on the other. They learn that we can put equations into this helpful format by completing the square, that is, by rewriting the equation such that one side is a perfect square. Although this method can be used to solve any quadratic equation, it is not practical for solving all equations. This challenge motivates the quadratic formula.
Once introduced to the formula, students apply it to solve contextual and abstract problems, including those that they couldn’t previously solve. After gaining some experience using the formula, students investigate how it is derived. They find that the formula essentially encapsulates all the steps of completing the square into a single expression. Just like completing the square, the quadratic formula can be used to solve any equation, but it may not always be the quickest method. Students consider how to use the different methods strategically.
Throughout the unit, students see that solutions to quadratic equations are often irrational numbers. Students reason about whether such sums and products are rational or irrational.
Toward the end of the unit, students revisit the vertex form and recall that it can be used to identify the maximum or minimum of a quadratic function. Previously students learned to rewrite expressions from vertex form to standard form. Now they can go in reverse—by completing the square. Being able to rewrite expressions in vertex form allows students to effectively solve problems about maximum and minimum values of quadratic functions.
In the final lesson, students integrate their insights and choose appropriate strategies to solve an applied problem and a mathematical problem (a system of linear and quadratic equations).
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
High School
Mathematics Grades 9-12
- Algebra I
- Algebra II Honors
- Algebra II Level 2
- Algebra II Level 3
- Geometry Honors
- Geometry Level 2
- Geometry Level 3
- Introduction to Calculus
- Introduction to Computer Science Level 1 & 2
- Pre-Calculus Honors
- Pre-Calculus Level 2
- Pre-College Algebra & Trigonometry
- Statistics Levels 2 & 3
Algebra I
One-Variable Statistics
The unit begins with an opportunity for students to review ideas from previous courses while taking the analysis of the data displays a little deeper. The lessons build on student understanding gained in middle school grades of statistical variability, ability to describe distributions, and informally comparing distributions. They represent and interpret data using data displays such as dot plots, histograms, and box plots. They describe distributions using the appropriate terminology such as “symmetric,” “skewed,” “uniform,” “bimodal,” and “bell-shaped.” They create data displays and calculate summary statistics using technology, then interpret the values in context. They recognize a relationship between the shape of a distribution and the mean and median. They compare data sets with different measures of variability and interpret data sets with greater interquartile ranges as having greater variability.
Students explore outliers and compare data sets using measures of center and measures of variability. They recognize outliers, investigate their source, make decisions about excluding them from the data set, and understand how the presence of outliers impacts measures of center and measures of variability.
Lastly, students get a chance to practice their skills by collecting data and analyzing the values. In the culminating activity, students pose and answer a statistical question by designing an experiment, collecting data, and analyzing data.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Linear Equations, Inequalities & Systems
The unit begins with students learning to think of equations as a way to represent constraints or limitations on quantities. Students also see that graphs of equations can help us make sense of constraints and identify values that satisfy them. Next, students investigate different ways to express the same relationship or constraint - by analyzing and writing equivalent equations. They look at moves than can transform one equation to an equivalent equation, recognizing that these are the moves we make to solve equations. The focus here is not only on identifying acceptable moves for solving, but also on explaining why these moves keep each subsequent equation true and maintain the solutions of the original equation.
Next, students encounter situations that involve two or more constraints and realize that systems of equations are helpful for representing these constraints. Students learn to solve systems of equations by elimination and explain why the steps taken to eliminate a variable are valid. Additionally, students reinforce their awareness that a system of equations could have one solution, no solutions, or infinitely many solutions.
Finally, students explore inequalities in one and two variables. They see that inequalities are a handy way to express constraints and can be satisfied by a range of values rather than a single value. Students see that a solution to an inequality is a value or a pair of values that make the inequality true and that the solution to a system of inequalities is any pair of values that make both inequalities to the system true.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Product Creation
Two-Variable Statistics
The unit begins with categorical data arranged in two-way tables that students are asked to analyze. Students then examine the relative frequencies of the combinations of those categorical variables. Students find the relative frequencies for combinations relative to the whole data set, as well as row or column relative frequencies to look at subgroups within categories. The row and column relative frequency tables are ultimately used to find evidence to determine if any associations are present in the data.
The unit then transitions to bivariate numerical data, which are visualized using scatter plots and lines of best fit. Students use technology to compute the lines of best fit and observe how well the linear models match the data. Correlation coefficients are used to quantify the goodness of fit for linear models.
The unit closes with an exploration of the difference between correlation and causal relationships, as well as an opportunity to apply this learning to areas of interest, like anthropology and sports.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
In this unit, students expand and deepen their understanding of functions. They develop new knowledge and skills for communicating about functions clearly and precisely, investigate different kinds of functions, and hone their ability to interpret functions. Students also use functions to model a wider variety of mathematical and real-world situations.
The unit opens with a refresher on what functions are and what they are not. Students use descriptions, tables, and graphs to reason about the idea of “exactly one output for each input.” Then, students learn that function notation is an efficient way to communicate succinctly about functions and devote some focused time to interpret this new notation and use it. They continue this work throughout the unit, employing the notation to perform increasingly sophisticated mathematical work: to analyze and compare functions, to write rules of functions (primarily linear functions), to solve for an input, to graph functions, and more.
Next, students focus their attention on graphs of functions and on how they help to tell stories about the relationships between the quantities in the functions. Students interpret features of graphs and relate them to features of situations, using terms such as “maximum,” “minimum,” and “intercepts” to describe their observations. From a graph, students can see intervals where the values of a function increase or decrease. They learn to use average rates of change to more precisely describe how quickly these values rise or fall. Students also sketch graphs to depict qualitative behavior of functions.
Students then go on to take a closer look at the input and output of a function. They think about possible and reasonable input and output values and learn to identify the domain and range of a function based on contextual and graphical information. This new awareness of input and output in turn helps students make sense of piecewise-defined functions, in which different rules apply to different intervals of the domain, producing different sets of output values.
Two variations of piecewise functions are studied here: step functions and absolute value functions. The latter are introduced with the idea of absolute errors as an entry point. Thinking about “how far away from a value” primes students to regard the absolute value function as a distance function. The graph of such a function is a distinct V shape, which is convenient for noticing the graphical effects of changing an expression that defines a function.
Students close the unit by applying their insights about functions to model real-world situations and solve problems.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Idea Generation
Introduction to Exponential Functions
In this unit, students are introduced to exponential relationships. Students learn that exponential relationships are characterized by a constant quotient over equal intervals, and compare it to linear relationships which are characterized by a constant difference over equal intervals. They encounter contexts that change exponentially. These contexts are presented verbally and with tables and graphs. They construct equations and use them to model situations and solve problems. Students investigate these exponential relationships without using function notation and language so that they can focus on gaining an appreciation for critical properties and characteristics of exponential relationships.
Students subsequently view these new types of relationships as functions and employ the notation and terminology of functions (for example, dependent and independent variables). They study graphs of exponential functions both in terms of contexts they represent and abstract functions that don’t represent a particular context, observing the effect of different values of a and b on the graph of the function represented by f(x)=ab^x.
In this unit, students learn that the output of an increasing exponential function is eventually greater than the output of an increasing linear function for the same input.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Quadratic Functions
This unit begins with students contrasting quadratic growth with linear and exponential growth. They further observe that eventually these quadratic patterns grow more quickly than linear patterns but more slowly than exponential patterns. Students examine the important example of free-falling objects whose height over time can be modeled with quadratic functions. They use tables, graphs, and equations to describe the movement of these objects, eventually looking at the situation where a projectile is launched upward. Through this investigation, students also begin to appreciate how the different coefficients in a quadratic function influence the shape of the graph. In addition to projectile motion, students examine other situations represented by quadratic functions including area and revenue.
Next, students examine the standard and factored forms of quadratic expressions. They investigate how each form is useful for understanding the graph of the function defined by these equivalent forms.
Finally, students investigate the vertex form of a quadratic function and understand how the parameters in the vertex form influence the graph. They learn how to determine the vertex of the graph from the vertex form of the function. They also begin to relate the different parameters in the vertex form to the general ideas of horizontal and vertical translation and vertical stretch, ideas which will be investigated further in a later course.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Quadratic Equations
In this unit, students interpret, write, and solve quadratic equations. They see that writing and solving quadratic equations enables them to find input values that produce certain output values.
Students begin solving quadratic equations by reasoning. Next, students learn that equations of the form (x - m)(x - n) = 0 can be easily solved by applying the zero product property, which says that when two factors have a product of 0, one of the factors must be 0. When the equations are not in factored form, students rearrange them so that one side is 0, and rewrite the expressions from standard form to factored form. Students soon recognize that not all quadratic expressions in standard form can be rewritten into factored form. Even when it is possible, finding the right two numbers may be tedious, so another strategy is needed.
Students encounter perfect squares and notice that solving a quadratic equation is pretty straightforward when the equation contains a perfect square on one side and a number on the other. They learn that we can put equations into this helpful format by completing the square, that is, by rewriting the equation such that one side is a perfect square. Although this method can be used to solve any quadratic equation, it is not practical for solving all equations. This challenge motivates the quadratic formula.
Once introduced to the formula, students apply it to solve contextual and abstract problems, including those that they couldn’t previously solve. After gaining some experience using the formula, students investigate how it is derived. They find that the formula essentially encapsulates all the steps of completing the square into a single expression. Just like completing the square, the quadratic formula can be used to solve any equation, but it may not always be the quickest method. Students consider how to use the different methods strategically.
Throughout the unit, students see that solutions to quadratic equations are often irrational numbers. Students reason about whether such sums and products are rational or irrational.
Toward the end of the unit, students revisit the vertex form and recall that it can be used to identify the maximum or minimum of a quadratic function. Previously students learned to rewrite expressions from vertex form to standard form. Now they can go in reverse—by completing the square. Being able to rewrite expressions in vertex form allows students to effectively solve problems about maximum and minimum values of quadratic functions.
In the final lesson, students integrate their insights and choose appropriate strategies to solve an applied problem and a mathematical problem (a system of linear and quadratic equations).
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Algebra II Honors
Equations and Inequalities
This brief unit is a quick refresher of fundamental Algebra I topics including factoring polynomials, simplifying rational expressions, solving single variable equations and inequalities. Students will use these skills throughout the entire course.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Collective Intelligence
Relations and Functions
In this unit we move from working with single variables to multiple variables in equations. Functions and function notation will be the focus of this unit and every unit after this unit. Students will understand the concept of function, function notation, types of functions, transformations of functions, operations on functions, inverse functions and graphing functions. Students will be able to identify the domain and range of a function. Students should be able to work with functions in multiple representations: algebraic, graph and table of values.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Product Creation
Quadratics Equations and Complex Numbers
The goal of this unit is for students to become fluent in interpreting, solving, and graphing quadratic functions with rational and irrational solutions as well as complex roots. The connection between completing the square and equations of circles is made. Students model using quadratic functions.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Polynomial Functions
We move from quadratics to a study of polynomials and the relationship between the degree, the number of terms and the zeros. Multiplicity of zeros will be investigated and students will discover the relationship between the number of zeros the graph. The Rational Roots Theorem, Remainder Theorem and Factor Theorem will also be investigated in this unit.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Rational Expressions and Functions
In this unit students will extend their understanding of polynomials functions and their graphs to rational functions and their graphs. Students are encouraged to connect operations on rational expressions to operations on fractions learned in earlier math courses. Polynomial and rational inequalities are also explored in this unit.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Exponential and Log Functions
This unit is the study of exponential and logarithmic functions. Understanding the inverse relationship between exponential and logarithmic functions is important. The properties and rules of logarithms will be related to exponential rules and then used in application problems including Newton's Law of Cooling, compound interest and exponential growth and decay.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Trigonometric Functions
This is the first time that many students will see any trigonometry beyond SOHCAHTOA, for example, radian measure, law of sines and law of cosines, the reciprocal trigonometric functions, trigonometric graphs. We chose specifically to emphasize the Unit Circle, and to simply use "circle definitions" for problems like sin(240). Students should come away from this unit feeling like many trigonometric topics can simply be done with x, y, and r (circle definitions). There are many variations of this type of problem, but students should feel the unity among them. Students need to know the basic side patterns for special right triangles along with how to draw angles in standard position.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Collective Intelligence
Algebra II Level 2
Equations and Inequalities
This short unit (4-6 days) focuses on prior mathematical knowledge of solving multi-step equations and inequalities. Students are expected to apply their algebraic knowledge and understanding through the application to real-world problems.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Collective Intelligence
Relations and Functions
Students will appreciate the importance of functions and their domains and will use input/output language throughout unit. A significant part of this unit is transformations on parent functions, having students understand how parameters affecting the inputs differ from the parameters affecting the outputs. Graph analysis is introduced but somewhat limited in scope. Students will also explore systems of linear equations, systems of inequalities, and linear programming to see real world applications.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Product Creation
Quadratic Equations and Complex Numbers
Students will understand what a radical is and how to simplify and combine in order to solve quadratics that are not factorable. Students will learn a variety of ways to solve quadratic equations and then will be challenged to choose the most efficient method for solving a given equation. Students can visualize the solutions of quadratic equations through graphing (e.g., min, max, transformations, complex roots). Completing the squares is used as an introduction to the equation of circles to further understanding of transformations. Students will demonstrate their efficiency through the solving of application problems.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Polynomial Functions
Students will perform operations on polynomials, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. They will be able to graph polynomial functions by factoring to find the zeroes and understanding end behavior and multiplicities.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Idea Generation
Rational Expressions and Functions
Students will perform operations on rational expressions: simplifying, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. They will also solve rational equations. They will be able to graph rational functions by finding the vertical and horizontal asymptotes, intercepts, and testing points.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Exponential, Logarithmic and Additional Inverse Functions
Students will understand exponential functions and their graphs. Students will be introduced to logarithms as the inverse of exponential functions. They will use the properties of logarithms to solve both exponential and logarithmic equations. Real world application problems will be introduced.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Trigonometric Functions
This is the first time that many students will see any trigonometry beyond SOHCAHTOA, for example, radian measure, reciprocal trig functions, trig graphs. We introduce trig functions of all angles using a circle and reference angles and then move on to use the Unit Circle as a special case. Students learn about the basic characteristics of sine and cosine graphs and then learn about transformations of these functions.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Collective Intelligence
Algebra II Level 3
Rebuilding Algebra Skills
This brief unit is a review of Pre-Algebra and Algebra 1 topics that are integral for succeeding in Algebra 2. Care should be given to teach each topic in a way that illuminates the reasons behind the methodology. For example, students should understand why, when terms are on the same side of an equation, they are combined, but when on opposite sides of the equation, we need to add the opposite to eliminate a term from one side, or why absolute value equations may have two solutions, one, or no solutions at all.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Equations on the Coordinate Plane
The purpose of this unit is to use math to analyze situations in which the rate of change is constant and to model those situations using linear equations. Students should make a connection between tabular, algebraic, and graphic representations of relations. In later units students will use the concepts and skills from this unit to work with quadratic and exponential functions.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Collective Intelligence
Quadratic Equations and Parabolas
The purpose of this unit is to move beyond linear functions and to learn strategies to solve quadratic equations. Students should understand that the power of 2 creates a specific shaped graph (parabola). Students should also learn the importance of the complex number system, and should be taught about the history of complex numbers not being all that different from the history of negative numbers.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
The focus of Unit D is for students to learn what is a mathematical function and its importance in problem solving. Students will also explore and learn to use the concept of function notation. Even though function notation is awkward to learn and seems more cumbersome, it is a great tool that allows mathematicians to communicate more clearly. Students will learn to work flexibly between all representations of a relation or function (table, list, equation, graph, and mapping diagram).
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Inquiry, Idea Generation
Students will learn the basics of right triangle trigonometry, and will be able to apply trig ratios to solve word problems. Students will learn how to measure angles using radians, how to sketch angles in standard position, etc. The goal of this unit is to expose students to enough trigonometry for them to understand its value in the real world and to be successful in higher math.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Inquiry, Analyzing
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
The purpose of this unit to expose students to ways of manipulating expressions using exponents. Students are expected to have a conceptual understanding of the rules around exponents and logarithms. They should explore the logic behind the development of negative exponents, zero as an exponent, and rational exponents. These should not just be taught as rules.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Geometry Honors
Introduction to Geometry
This unit introduces students to the majority of terminology used in Geometry. Transformations, logical thinking and proofs are all part of the unit and will be referred to throughout the course. Students will be able to complete a two-column geometric proof by the end of the unit. Geometric software, along with compass and straightedge, will be used for constructions.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Collective Intelligence
Congruent Triangles
This unit focuses on triangle classifications and proving triangles congruent. Proof is a very important concept throughout the unit. Students should become fluent in completing proofs by the end of this unit by seeing the patterns and structure within proofs.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Collective Intelligence
Lines in a Plane
In this unit students develop proofs to fairly complex problems. Along with two column proofs students are encouraged to give verbal and/or paragraph arguments always with the idea of a clear, logical argument with mathematical justification as a priority.
A major focus in this unit is on quadrilaterals. Properties of quadrilaterals are introduced through various discovery activities in order to build a quadrilateral tree and to be able to classify the special quadrilaterals. Parallelograms are explored in further detail as students learn about sufficient conditions for parallelograms. Coordinate plane geometry is used to classify quadrilaterals.
Finally, the students move beyond two dimensional shapes and study lines and planes in three dimensional space.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
We move from quadrilaterals to this unit which explores triangles and polygons and the measures of their interior and exterior angles, including "regular" polygons. Students are encouraged to see diagrams and shapes as compositions of smaller, often repeated, shapes. Students will learn the concept of "similar" polygons and the ratios of their corresponding sides, perimeters and areas.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Collective Intelligence
Right Triangles
This unit is an exploration of families of right triangles, the Pythagorean theorem, and right triangle trigonometry. It includes the 30-60-90 and 45-45-90 right triangles and the relationship between the lengths of their sides. Word problems focus on angles of elevation and angles of depression.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Inquiry, Analyzing
During this unit students use many concepts learned throughout the course to solve problems involving circles. Segments and angles associated with circles are examined. Problems on the coordinate plane again bridge Algebra and Geometry skills and concepts.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Product Creation
Area, Surface Area and Volume
This short unit on area, surface area and volume gives students an opportunity to apply the Geometry they have learned throughout the year. The goal for students is to understand the formulas involved through deriving the formulas rather than simply memorize the formulas.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Idea Generation
Advanced Coordinate Geometry
In this final unit, students link what they have learned in Algebra I about graphing equations to the concepts they have learned throughout this Geometry course. The work in this unit will create a smooth bridge to the work done in Algebra II.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Inquiry, Analyzing
Geometry Level 2
Introduction to Geometry
This unit introduces students to the majority of terminology and core concepts used in Geometry. Constructions, transformations, logical thinking and proofs are all part of the unit and will be referred to throughout the course. Students will be able to complete a two-column geometric proof by the end of the unit. Geometric software, along with compass and straightedge, may be used for constructions.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Collective Intelligence
Congruent Triangles
This unit focuses on triangle classifications and proving triangles congruent. Proof is a fundamental concept throughout the unit. Proving and using congruent triangles will be used throughout the course.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Collective Intelligence
Lines in a Plane
In this unit we de-emphasize two column proofs and concentrate more heavily on diagram type problems and the notion that there are other ways to make a mathematical proof including verbal and paragraph arguments but the idea of a clear, logical argument with mathematical justification for each step remains constant.
A major focus in this unit is on quadrilaterals. Properties of quadrilaterals are introduced through various discovery activities in order to build a quadrilateral tree and to be able to classify the special quadrilaterals. Parallelograms are explored in further detail as students learn about sufficient conditions for parallelograms. Coordinate plane geometry is incorporated frequently to bridge Algebra and Geometry concepts.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
We move from quadrilaterals to this unit which explores triangles and polygons and the measures of their interior and exterior angles, including "regular" polygons. Students are encouraged to see diagrams and shapes as compositions of smaller, often repeated, shapes. Students will learn the concept of "similar" polygons and the ratios of their corresponding sides, perimeters and areas. Formal proofs are not done in this unit.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Collective Intelligence
Right Triangles
This unit is an exploration of families of right triangles, the Pythagorean theorem, and right triangle trigonometry. It includes the 30-60-90 and 45-45-90 right triangles and the relationship between the lengths of their sides. Word problems focus on angles of elevation and angles of depression.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Inquiry, Analyzing
During this unit students use many concepts learned throughout the course to solve problems involving circles. Segments and angles associated with circles are examined. Problems on the coordinate plane again bridge Algebra and Geometry. Proofs are not done in this unit.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Product Creation
Area, Surface Area, Volume
This short unit on area, surface area and volume gives students an opportunity to apply the Geometry they have learned throughout the year. Formulas are provided to students so they focus can be on application and complex thinking rather than recall of formulas. Students solve a variety of application problems that involve surface area, area and/or volume.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Idea Generation
Geometry Level 3
Introduction to Geometry
This unit introduces students to the majority of terminology used in Geometry. Constructions, transformations, logical thinking and proofs are all part of the unit and will be referred to throughout the course. Students will be able to complete a two-column geometric proof by the end of the unit. Geometric software, along with compass and straightedge, will be used for constructions and transformations.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Inquiry, Analyzing
This unit focuses on triangle classifications and proving triangles congruent. Properties of triangles are applied to proofs so that students have experienced with the proof process. Proofs can be differentiated to students as they develop skill in the process by using word banks, missing statements or reasons, or cut-up proofs where student must re-order steps to establish sequence. Students will be extended to create 5-10 step proofs without assistance by the end of the unit. Segments that can be drawn in a triangle and their properties are explored.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
This unit extends students’ understanding of relationships between triangles (and shapes in general). They will learn what it means for shapes to be similar (congruent angles and proportional sides) and solve for sides of similar triangles. The PBA will have students measuring the height of unknown objects using similarity. The second half of the unit focuses on right triangles, using the idea of similarity to introduce the concept of Trigonometry.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Collective Intelligence
Polygons and Quadrilaterals
In this unit, students learn first about polygons and then focus on quadrilaterals. Properties of quadrilaterals are introduced through various discovery activities in order to build a quadrilateral tree and to be able to classify the special quadrilaterals. Parallelograms are explored in further detail as students learn about sufficient conditions for parallelograms. Areas of quadrilaterals are examined, and coordinate plane geometry is used to classify quadrilaterals.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
This unit provides students a thorough study of circles. Students learn about the segments (in particular tangents) and angles (central and inscribed) associated with circles. Equations of circles on the coordinate plane are taught. The formula for circle circumference is reviewed, and students explore an informal proof of the area of a circle. Arc length and sector area are introduced.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Area, Surface Area, Volume
This unit explores the 3D world of surface area and volume. Students will discover the formulas for prisms, cylinders, cones, pyramids, and spheres. They will then use these concepts to determine the surface area and volume of composite figures. 2D cross-sections of 3D objects will be investigated with online applets. Finally, the effects of dilating dimensions on surface area and volume will be introduced.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
This brief unit introduces students to probability. It begins by arranging information from sets into Venn Diagrams. Then the Venn Diagrams are used to determine probabilities. Next, some geometric probabilities related to length and area are explored. Finally, the fundamental counting principle is covered and applied to permutations and combinations.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Introduction to Calculus
Rebuilding the Prerequisite Skills for Calculus
This course is not meant to take the place of AB Calculus or Calculus I but meant to be an introduction to the basic conceptual foundations of differentiation and integration and the algebraic applications used in formulaic differentiation and integration. Major concepts taught are differentiation (Chain rule and implicit application, curve sketching and related rates) and integration (substitution, application, simple initial value problems).
Even though this is an introductory course, students will be required to use specific, correct notation in all written work. Limit notation, parentheses, etc, if left out, completely change the meaning of the written expression.
The initial unit serves as a summarized review of the concepts taught in PreCalculus which are a prerequisite to the study of differentiation and integration in calculus. Students may spend up to 25% of the course time in this unit. Students are encouraged to work in groups to help each other as needed to strengthen skills and understanding.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Collective Intelligence
Limits and Continuity
Students are introduced to the concept of a limit. Different representations will provide students with a deep understanding of limits. Simple computations of limits are introduced. Students will understand continuity of its' implications. Formative assessments for each section can be done as pairs. The teacher can decide whether assessments are given as open note or not.
For all written exercises, students must give a specific justification for any answer. Notation used must be correct.
Prerequisite skills to review:
- toolkit graphs
- rational, absolute value functions
- radical functions
- domain restrictions
- factoring polynomials
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Collective Intelligence
Students are introduced to the derivative as the slope of the line tangent to a function at any point. Students will practice finding derivative first using the limit definition and then using the rules and algebraic computation and the chain rule. Student will study implicit differentiation and apply this concept to related rate problems.
By then end of this unit students should be able to determine the equation of the tangent to a graph using explicit or implicit derivatives. Students should also be able to distinguish between position, velocity and acceleration and how they relate to each other in terms of being derivatives of each other.
There are many places to be careful and apply numerous rules at the same time. If extra time is necessary, take that time. Students must know derivative before they can do integral.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Collective Intelligence
Using Calculus to Sketch Curves
Students will use methods of calculus to determine critical points, points of local and absolute extrema, intervals of increasing and/or decreasing, points of inflection, and intervals of concavity. Together with material already covered (such as x and y intercept(s), vertical and/or horizontal, and/or slant asymptotes, etc) they will draw clear sketches of graphs without using the graphing calculator. In addition, linear approximations and L’Hopital’s Rule are covered. Students are given time throughout the unit to work with peers to solve problems.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Collective Intelligence
Students are introduced to the concept of an antiderivative using the concepts learned in Unit C. Using Riemann sums and sigma notation, students will see the connection of an integral to the area under a curve. Students will explore definite and indefinite integrals. Students will learn the integration technique of substitution.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Collective Intelligence
Introduction to Computer Science Level 1 & 2
Introduction to Computer Programming with Python
Throughout this course students will develop algorithms and apply logic to use a computer to solve and model a real world problem.
Throughout this course students learn how to use logic and sets of instructions to have a computer accomplish a task.
In this unit, students will gain a general understanding of what a computer program is, how it works, and how to write one using a language such as Visual Basic and an Integrated Development Language such as Microsoft Visual Studio. Students will understand the flow of a program, how to respond to user-generated events, how to add user interface elements to a form, and how to save and run a program. Students will become acquainted with much of the terminology as well as the technology that is used throughout the course.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Idea Generation, Design
Working with Variables, Constants and Calculations
In this unit, students will learn how a computer stores and manipulates various types of data including numeric and textual information. Students will learn how to perform basic arithmetic calculations such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing, as well as how to write code to count and accumulate values.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Idea Generation
Conditional Logic and Decision Making
Students will develop the ability to read, write, and use conditional statements to model the decision-making process used in the real world. Students will build on their ability to use variables and calculations by applying conditional logic to their use. Students will first learn how to create simple, single variable conditional statements, and will eventually learn how to model more complex decision making with compound conditional statements and singly nested conditional statements.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Functions and Subroutines
In this unit, students will learn how we can break large tasks into smaller, reusable units of work called subroutines and functions. Students will learn the value of subroutines and functions, how to write them, and how to pass arguments to them. Students will continue exploring how to use built-in functions to efficiently code solutions to problems.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Idea Generation
Iteration and Computer Simulation
In this unit, students will learn how to solve problems that require looping, also known as iterations. Students will learn several different ways to structure loops, and how iteration can be a valuable problem solving technique. Students will also gain experience modeling real world events through computer simulations that are implemented using loops.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Idea Generation
Working with Strings
This unit marks a shift in the course from a focus on learning the building blocks of computer programming to using those building blocks to solve problems. In this unit, students are exposed to many of the built-in methods of the String class, and then use these methods to solve challenges involving strings that require many of the skills they’ve learned in prior units.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Lists, Arrays and Problem Solving
This unit continues the theme of using a computer program as a problem solving tool. Students will learn how to use arrays and lists to represent real-world objects and how to manipulate those lists to arrive at solutions. A general four-step approach to problem solving will be explored, and students will have an opportunity to practice the approach on a series of challenging exercises.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Object Oriented Concepts and Culminating Activity
In this final unit, students will gain an appreciation for object oriented programming concepts including inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism. Students will also have the opportunity to apply the knowledge they have learned throughout the course in a culminating programming activity.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Pre-Calculus Honors
This unit covers all the basics of trigonometry, from radian measure to right triangle and unit circle definitions to graphing. These fundamentals will be built on in further units, so it is important students understand these concepts thoroughly, without relying on the calculator until the applications are taught.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Analytic Trigonometry
This unit extends the topics covered in unit A. It begins with simplifying expressions so that students understand how proving trigonometric identities depends on showing one side of an equation simplifies to the other without manipulating both sides simultaneously. Students also learn how to solve trigonometric equations, in particular when the angle has been multiplied by a factor within the trigonometric function. The graphing calculator is introduced here to show how the solutions may be verified. The second half of the unit covers many formulas that extend the number of angles for which exact values of the trigonometric functions may be found.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Collective Intelligence
This two part unit explores applications of trigonometry, most importantly vectors.
In part 1 the Laws of Sines and Cosines are derived, allowing us to solve for sides and angles in oblique (non-right) triangles. Students need to be aware that in the SSA case, there could be no, one, or two possible triangles and why this happens. Area of triangles is also covered at this time for the SAS and SSS cases (Heron’s Formula). After oblique triangles, most of the unit is spent on vectors, quantities with both magnitude and direction (velocity, force, etc). Students will learn how to express them in component form as well as a magnitude and direction angle. They will learn how to perform several operations on vectors, including the dot product. This operation is used to find angles between vectors and projections of vectors. Many applications of vectors are discussed, including plane and wind problems, force balancing, weights on ramps, and work. The unit finishes with new topic, complex numbers. By converting from a + bi form to a trigonometric form, some calculations (raising to powers and finding roots) can be done much quicker by using DeMoivre’s Theorem.
Part 2 extends the topic of vectors to 3-dimensional space. The unit begins by discussing the 3D coordinate system, including how to plot points, find distance between points, midpoints and equations of spheres. Vectors are useful in 3D to determine if points are collinear. Angles between vectors is revisited, along with the dot product. A new operation is taught, the cross product, which is only possible in 3D space. Students will learn that this operation creates a new vectors which is normal (perpendicular) to the plane containing the two original vectors and can be used to find area and volume of parallelogram-type figures. Finally, vectors are used to determine equations of lines and planes in 3D space and determining the distance between a point and a plane.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Systems of Equations
This short unit reviews systems of equations, with a new perspective of the graphing calculator. The traditional methods of substitution and elimination are covered, but with more complicated systems than just linear equations. The graphing calculator is used to confirm exact answers found algebraically and also used to solve equations that would be very difficult to solve by hand (ex: natural logs). No solution and infinite solutions results are discussed in the context of the intersections of the graphs of the equations. Linear systems of three variables are at first solved by hand through repeated elimination and back substitution, but these methods are quickly replaced with matrices on the graphing calculator. A brief overview of matrices is given, but most of the focus is on solving multivariable linear systems. Finally, systems are used for a new concept, partial fraction decomposition.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Sequences, Series, and Probability
This unit is all about recognizing patterns. Formulas for nth terms and summations of arithmetic and geometric sequences are derived. The concept of induction is introduced as a way to prove other formulas for series, divisibility, and inequalities. Then the binomial theorem is taught as an application of another pattern. Finally, combinations and permutations are covered and these counting principles are used to find probabilities.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Topics in Analytic Geometry
This large unit covers a variety of topics in Analytic Geometry (mostly graphing related). The concept of slope is analyzed with respect to the angles lines make with axes and other lines. A major portion of the unit focuses on the conic sections: parabolas, ellipses, and hyperbolas. These equations/graphs are introduced as loci of points and their various applications to the real world are explored, in particular their reflective properties. The rotation of their axes is not emphasized. Two new types of graphing are studied: parametric equations and polar equations which connect back to the conic sections.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Introduction to Calculus
This short unit introduces students to the concepts of limits and derivatives. Various techniques for determining limits are explored: graphically, numerically (table), comparing the one-sided limits, and algebraically or direct substitution, if possible. Limits are then applied to the slope of secant lines to determine the slope of a curve at a single point (slope of the tangent line) using the limit definition of a derivative. Infinite limits and limits of summations are discussed and if there is time, used to determine the area under a curve.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Pre-Calculus Level 2
Graphs and Equations
In this unit, students review graphing and properties of linear equations. Technology such as graphing calculators will be used to model the linear relationship between two variables. Students will also review equation solving techniques which will be used throughout the remainder of the course.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Functions and Their Graphs
In this unit, students will be re-familiarized with the definition of functions, function notation, and operations on functions. Students will learn how to express the relationship between two variables as a function, how to graph these relationships on a graphing calculator and how to determine the optimal values of a function in an appropriate domain. Function families that will be covered in this unit include polynomials, rationals and radicals. A generalized transformation rule will be introduced and will be used for the remainder of the year.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
This unit covers the basic properties of exponential and logarithmic functions. Students will be graphing and solving exponential and logarithmic functions. Students will also model “real world” situations with exponential and logarithmic functions.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
This unit covers all the basics of trigonometry, from radian measure to right triangle and unit circle definitions to graphing. These fundamentals will be built upon in further units, so it is important students understand these concepts thoroughly, without relying on the calculator.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Applications of Trigonometric Functions
This unit will cover solving right and oblique triangles using Trigonometry. Right triangles will be solved using right triangle trigonometry and oblique triangles will be solved using the Law of Sines or the Law of Cosines. Students will apply these concepts to “real world” problems. Area will also be covered in this unit.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Collective Intelligence
Pre-College Algebra & Trigonometry
Rebuilding the Foundations
Many students who take this course have used memorization in previous courses. This method of learning math is not sustainable and has led to frustration and only partial understanding. In this course, students will be encouraged to reach for complete conceptual understanding of every topic, and discouraged from memorizing all but a very few small things like definitions. Learning math this way is more rewarding, enjoyable experience, and students will feel empowered to continue on in mathematics.
The goal of this mini-unit is to rewire student thinking about concepts that are fundamental to Algebra. We will look at the familiar concepts of order of operations, fractions, mathematical properties, operations on polynomials, and graphing from a new perspective that will enable students to transfer their knowledge to more abstract applications in the future. Example: fractions will be taught by prime factorization so that students can transfer their knowledge to the simplification of rational expressions.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Inquiry, Self-Awareness
Equations and Lines
In this unit students will understand that the way we solve equations is based on an understanding of the order of operations. There are certain equations that require more than just an algebraic step (absolute value requires a leap of logic). Literal equations are a great opportunity for students to hone their equation solving skills which will be beneficial in other classes, like science.
For writing equations of lines, students should get to the point where they no longer think of every problem as a unique case, but as all being basically the same, just slight variations. Students should appreciate the usefulness of all forms of lines, not just y = mx + b, and should be allowed to leave answers in any form. Students should leave the unit displaying confidence in their understanding of how slope can be interpreted in the real world.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Functions and Transformations
Students will understand the importance of functions - they give us the ability to predict because they have only one output given an input. There is an emphasis on input/output language throughout unit. Piecewise, compositions, and inverses are explored. A significant part of this unit is about transformations, having students understand how parameters affecting the inputs differ from the parameters affecting the outputs. The ABCD method of transforming functions (with point mapping) will really help for when many different parameters are used at once. Graph analysis is introduced but somewhat limited in scope.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Students will be extremely proficient and confident at factoring in order to be able to solve polynomials later in this unit and to facilitate ease with Unit 5: simplifying rational expressions and solving rational equations. Complex numbers are briefly touched on, as is the quadratic formula, but only as tools for solving higher degree polynomial equations. Students should know by the end of this unit that the number of solutions to a polynomial equation is the same as the degree of the polynomial (The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra). Students will graph polynomials with attention to intercepts and end behavior. Quadratics are considered an optional topic.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Rational Functions
The main goals of this unit include improving students’ fluency with rational expressions - understanding difference between expressions and equations and the strategies/approaches we can use to simplify each. Students will build confidence to handle more complex math problems they will encounter in future math classes. Students will make connections between equations and graphs in terms of asymptotes and domain and limits.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Collective Intelligence
Radicals, Exponents, and Logarithms
This unit will help students build fluency with radicals and rational exponents. They should know why negative exponents mean “divide” and rational exponents are equivalent to radical notation. We want students to know that a logarithm is used to solve for a variable in the exponent. Logarithms are a way to solve difficult (near impossible) problems in a fast, easy way. Use the language for rational exponents: “8^(⅔) means: 2 of the 3 ‘identical factors’ that multiply to 8.”
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
This is the first time that many students will see any trigonometry beyond SOHCAHTOA, for example, radian measure, law of sines and law of cosines, the reciprocal trig functions, trig graphs. We chose specifically to deemphasize Unit Circle, and to simply use “circle definitions” for problems like sin(240). Students should come away from this unit feeling like many trig topics can simply be done with x, y, and r (circle definitions). There are many variations of this type of problem, but students should feel the unity among them. Students need to know the basic side patterns for special right triangles along with how to draw angles in standard position.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing, Collective Intelligence
Statistics Levels 2 & 3
Introduction to Single Variable Statistics
Unit A begins with an overview of statistics and how they impact our lives. Students will examine univariate and bivariate data and make sense out of it using statistical methods and displays. Graphing calculators are used throughout the course.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Research Design
This unit explores the process of collecting and interpreting data. Students investigate sampling as a method of understanding information about populations. It includes discussion of uncertainty in samples and how the margin of error narrows as sample size grows. Students review articles with sampling and review the validity of the statistical processes used to obtain data. Experimentation is introduced. Students learn about the basic principles of experiment design, including: explanatory versus response variables, the definition of statistical significance, adjusting for confounding variables, and double blind experiments. Students explore the ethical complexities of experimentation in a review of the movie Miss Evers’ Boys, which is a historical account of the controversial Tuskegee Syphilis Study.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
In this unit, we discuss the basic ideas and methods of probability. Our goal is not just to help students answer questions like “What’s the probability that you get no heads if you toss a fair coin 5 times?” We aim to show students the role that probability plays in statistical inference. Contrast the previous question with this one: “Suppose you toss a coin five times and get no heads. Is the coin fair?” That’s a statistics question, but you need to understand probability to answer it.
Probability is about much more than coins, dice, and cards. It’s about making decisions in the face of uncertainty. People use probability to assess the results of drug tests, to determine the strength of certain kinds of evidence in a court case, to set insurance premiums, to choose an investment strategy, and to weigh the risks and benefits of medical treatment options. Of course, probability also plays an integral role in games of chance, from state and national lotteries to casino favorites like slot machines, craps, roulette, and Texas Hold ‘Em. In Unit C, we try to strike a balance between applications involving games of chance (which motivated the study of probability in the first place) and interesting uses of probability in everyday life.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Unit D deals with the reasoning of statistical inference. It presents methods for estimating and testing claims about a population proportion. Discussion about confidence intervals builds on foundations laid in previous learning about normal distributions and sampling. Extensions are made to testing for an association between two categorical variables, and estimating and testing claims about a population mean.
Profile of a Graduate Capacities: Analyzing
Brown (Grades 5 & 6) Math Enrichment
Unit | Description |
Geometry and Art | Throughout this unit, students will be exploring and analyzing how math and art work together. From creating balanced Calder mobiles to incorporating inspirational artwork when building their own platonic solid, students will see the significance between the mathematical connection to famous art. 21st Century Capacities: Analyzing, Design |
| Students will work collaboratively in groups of 2 - 4 students to submit a project to Exploravision. The groups are immersed in real world problem solving with a strong emphasis on STEM. Students are challenged to envision and communicate a new technology 20 years in the future through collaborative brainstorming and research of current science and technology. 21st Century Capacities: Critical Thinking, Collaboration/Communication |
Students design and build scaled model houses that incorporate solar energy features. They begin by investigating different aspects of solar energy-reflection, absorption, concentration-and ways to collect and store the sun's rays. They analyze their data to inform their own design, using both spreadsheet software and paper and pencil methods. While students investigate these science principles, they apply many math skills such as fractions, decimals, volume, surface area, conversions within measurement systems, and coordinate graphing. Student teams build model houses that incorporate passive and active solar features, and then test the models to see which designs allow the most collection and storage of solar energy. They create scaled side-view drawings and floor plans and use the plans to build the rooms in their model houses. 21st Century Capacities: Design, Collective Intelligence, Product Creation | |
Sometimes it is a challenge for students to understand how to apply abstract or theoretical math concepts to everyday life. The Game of Life provides students with the opportunity to choose a career and plan a budget around loans, car payments, groceries, cell phone payments, and rent. As they settle into the life they create, they must navigate unexpected events along the way such as home repairs, pay raises, and medical bills. Keeping the budget balanced and the loans paid will make for a very interesting Game of Life. 21st Century Capacities: Analyzing, Reflection | |
Problem solving and mathematical reasoning are important part of mathematics for middle school students. In this unit students will investigate and analyze the logic and math behind puzzles by making conjectures, collecting evidence and forming arguments. They will look for patterns in their work and create clear explanations for their solutions. They will learn to justify what they do and communicate their results using the language of mathematics. Throughout the unit, students will create their own puzzles, communicating the logic and mathematics within the puzzle. Problem solving involves knowing what you can do when you are 'stuck’. Students will be encouraged to take risks and learn from mistakes and explore alternative strategies. For the culminating activity will be research other mathematical puzzles of their interests and create one their own to share. 21st Century Capacities: Analyzing, Synthesizing |