Additional Prevention and Response Training

Madison’s continued commitment to the growth and development of both capacities and content is designed to prepare students to be positive, contributing citizens of a global society.  These capacities include a commitment to educate students in skills to work respectfully with others; analysis complex issues and their implications and consequences; take alternate perspectives; propose ethical, responsible decisions; and contribute to critical issues in society in an ethical and responsible manner.  The fifteen identified capacities are continually and systemically developed as students’ progress through the K-12 system.  Madison Public Schools provides support for our students and faculty in the prevention of harassment, victim blaming, and bystander training.  Through a variety of curricular and co-curricular opportunities, Madison has a systemic approach to the development of skills to assist students in combatting a wide variety of societal issues. 

The District Whole Child Wellness Team frequently creates subcommittees to identify needs, research programs, and make recommendations for district training and program implementation. The fund described below, will be used as specified to enhance the work of the district to create a safe environment for all students to grow and learn. 

The Madison Foundation is a community foundation supporting organizations that serve the community’s social, cultural, environmental, educational, and recreational needs.  The grant described below was established through the Madison Foundation for the following purpose and use.

PACT (PACT: Prevention, Ally, and Consent Training) Grant


Due to the generosity of a graduate of Daniel Hand, a fund has been established for the purpose of promoting initiatives and programs that will reduce incidences of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and victim shaming in the Madison Public Schools system. The fund was established to focus on education for boys and girls together about the laws in Connecticut surrounding sexual assault and what boys and girls can do to support victims of sexual assault and harassment.  

Grant Approved Use:  The work in the district is not limited to the scope of this grant, but the grant is used as approved to enhance the ongoing work of the district. 

Jenny Wendershot-Holster from “Let It Be Heard”

Jenny is the Director of Let It Be Heard, the Gender Equity Coordinator at Gateway Community College and does numerous trainings within CT which includes the following:

  • Facilitate educational prevention program for all students, grades 7-12; presentations will be delivered to each grade separately. Topics will include sexual assault, harassment, information about relevant law, victim blaming and bystander training.
  • Following the assembly, a group of up to 25 students and 2 staff members, at both the high school and middle school, will participate in further training to help create and develop a support system to: educate bystanders on how to appropriately intervene, empower victims, and help them access adult support. These groups will be led by trained staff and may follow a model similar to Peer Helpers/Advocates, with new members annually trained to maintain positive impact and ensure culture change within Madison Public Schools. Madison Youth and Family Services may offer financial support to help offset costs of on-going annual training. 
  • Teacher training to align with student training. Teachers will pair with trained students to serve as small group facilitators in PAW and PRIDE in order to keep dialogue and culture change sustained.

Robin McHaelen, Director of True Colors, Inc.

True Colors provide education, support, and advocacy for LGBTQ youth and those responsible for their health and well-being. Robin facilitates trainings and consults with many CT school districts.  The training includes the following:

  • Train all district administrators about Erin’s Law and Title IX to ensure protection of all students.
  • Provide training to all district administrators and teachers/coaches on issues confronted by LGBTQ students.

PACT committee members will participate in training workshops sponsored by the CT Alliance to End Sexual Violence.