Annual Notifications
2024-2025 School Year
Asbestos Notification
An Asbestos Management Program exists to guarantee that asbestos-containing materials are maintained in a condition in which they do not pose a health hazard. As part of this program, these materials are periodically inspected. Anyone wishing to know more about the Asbestos Management Program or the asbestos-containing materials found in the Madison Public Schools may request to read the Asbestos Management Plan which is on file in the School Facilities Office (203-245-6470).
Network Use Agreement & Chromebook Pledge
The MPS 1:1 Device Program has been expanded to include all grade levels K-12. All students have received or will receive a district-issued device this school year. Students and parents must read and sign the Student Chromebook Pledge and Network Use Agreement, which can be found on the district website. Please select the appropriate grade level and complete and submit the forms for each individual student.
Release of Directory Information to Military Recruiters
DHHS Students Only
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and the National Defense Authorization Act of 2002 require the Madison Public Schools to provide, upon a request made by military recruiters or an institution of higher education, access to secondary school students' names, addresses, and telephone listings. However a parent/guardian of a secondary school student or the student having reached the age of majority, may object to the release this information and have the right to request in writing that this information not be released. If you do not want this information released, please complete the Recruitment Refusal form on or before October 1 each school year.
Securly Notification
The expansion of the Madison Public Schools 1:1 Device Program ensures that all students in grades K-12, have access to a District-issued Chromebook. When a student accesses the Internet from an MPS device - in school or at home - a cloud-based Internet filter called Securly is in place to block access to harmful or potentially dangerous websites. Parents and guardians should be aware that in order to continually improve the ways we keep our students safe online, the District uses an additional service – keyword flagging - on top of our existing Internet filter. With this service, searches are monitored through a combination of automated scanning and human intervention with the intention of detecting terms related to grief, bullying, self-harm, harm to others, etc. When keywords are flagged, an alert is sent to specialists at Securly. The Securly team evaluates each alert and has a tiered notification system in place for contacting building administrators or other appropriate personnel as needed. This additional service is called Securly24.
Student Directory Information
Each year, the Parent / Teacher Organization (PTO) in each school furnishes parents with a student directory. "Directory" information includes a student's name, address and telephone number. If you request that your child's / children's information not be included in the directory, please fill out the Student Directory Opt-Out Form by September 13, 2024.
Students & Media Coverage
We are very proud of the impressive accomplishments of our Madison Public Schools' students and enjoy sharing our pride in the media and on our website. If you do not want your child photographed or videotaped for public relations and / or promotional reasons, please complete the Media Coverage Refusal electronic form on our website in the Back to School Information section on or before September 13, 2024.
State Support & Services Notification
Public Act 21-116 requires each local and regional board of education to distribute the Support & Services information at least semi-annually, in September and May, to the parents and guardians of each student in the school district and to any student taking a course in health and safety. The resource was developed by the Connecticut Department of Children and Families (DCF).
Policy Notifications
5020.1 Nondiscrimination
5113 Student Attendance, Truancy & Chronic Absenteeism
5110.4 Student Discipline
5131.911 Bullying Prevention and Intervention
5180.1 Records and Confidentiality
6080.1.2 Title I Programs / Parental Involvement
7120 Hazardous Materials in Schools
7200 Indoor Air Quality
5200 Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504
4116.1 Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
5131.914 Safe School Climate Plan