Weather Related Closings
As winter weather is inevitable, we want you to know how the district provides information regarding school cancelations, delayed openings, and early closings. Before decisions are made, the school district uses a variety of informational sources to determine whether to close schools, delay the opening of schools, or dismiss schools early. These sources include actual physical inspection of the roads and school campus conditions by Madison Public Works officials, the Madison Police Department, and other staff at selected locations throughout the town, as well as an analysis of independent reports from the National Weather Service, Accu-Weather, and the news media. After decisions are made, we focus attention on communicating with you.
School Closings
When schools are closed, all school community activities scheduled in the schools are canceled. The Town of Madison Beach and Recreation Before/After School Program is also canceled.
When school is closed, delayed, dismissed early or converted to remote learning, the information will be communicated by:
- notification on our smartphone app
- notification on the district and individual school homepages
- eNotify email message to parents from the school district
- Social Media: Facebook and Twitter
In addition, the following news media stations will broadcast the information:
- WFSB-3
- WTNH-8
- NBC-30
- FOX-61