Elementary Schools

New Construction/ Renovations 

Under this plan, a new Pre-K-5 school will be built near the Green Hill Road campus and Brown Intermediate will be converted into a K-5 school. The Town Campus Learning Center (TCLC), Jeffrey Elementary, and Ryerson Elementary schools will be taken offline. Both Ryerson and TCLC will be demolished.     

New Construction

Rendering of the Entrance to Neck River Elementary School
Map of mungertown parcel

The new building will house grades Pre-K- 5 for students and families in the southern half of town. The school facility will meet current space, security, and indoor air quality standards and provide students and teachers with modern learning environments. If the project is approved, a building committee of community volunteers will have final say over project architect selection and the finer design details of the building. The PreK-5 building will be constructed on parcel of land accessed by Mungertown Road. Moving the building off of Copse Road will alleviate some traffic concerns in and around the Green Hill Campus.  

Approximate building size: 82,000 sq. ft. 

Approximate Cost: $61 million 

Neck River Building Update 10.23 


Transform Brown into a K-5 School

Brown auditorium
Brown cafeteria
Brown main hallway
brown upstairs hallway
Brown playground

Renovations at Brown will take place over several summers and both a renovated Brown elementary school and the Green Hill Road elementary school will open their doors at the same time. Renovations include changing the entrance to the building, converting select classrooms  into a kindergarten wing complete with classrooms and private restrooms, renovated spaces for grades 1-5 complete with enlarged windows, and general renovations/improvements to bathrooms, corridors, the outdoor courtyard and parking lot. In addition, the renovation will include significant security upgrades.    

Building size: 107,077 sq. ft. 

Approximate Cost: $6.2 million  

Brown Building Improvements 

Buildings to Close  


Jeffrey Elementary

Built in 1957, the original building was 17,938 sq. ft. Since that time the following additions were made to the building:

  • 1963 – 7,391 sq. ft.
  • 1988 – 20,420 sq. ft.
  • 2000 – 6,650 sq. ft.

Total square footage today: 52,399 

Building age in 2025: 68 years 

Jeffrey Elementary School
Ryerson Elementary School

Ryerson Elementary

Built in 1966, the building is 38,523 sq. ft. There have been no major additions to the facility since its initial construction. 

Building age in 2025: 59 years  



Built in 2000, the Town Campus Learning Center is 12,853 sq. ft. The building is a collection of portables and has received no major additions or upgrades.  

Building age in 2025: 25 years 

Town Campus Learning Center