Polson Robotics Team Qualifies for VEX IQ World Championship


The Polson Robotics team competed in the Connecticut VEX IQ robotics championship this past Saturday in Plainville, CT.  It was a long day with 44 teams from around Connecticut competing in 136 qualifying matches. Our 1695C team (Matt Reveliotty and Liam Finnegan) advanced to the tournament and finished 8th overall. The big news is our 1695E team (Brennen Catino, Josh Lee, Emma Mannix and Jack Varone) won the Think award and qualified for the VEX IQ Worlds Championship in Dallas, Texas this May!  This award is based on how well their programming performed along with their overall performance throughout the day.  Please congratulate all Polson robotics team members! 

Team A – Robbie Ginsburg, Patrick Coulis, David Bixon and Landon Hendershot,

Team B – Nathan Becker, Eric Raksnis, Aiden DeRusso and Owen Swift,

Team C – Matt Reveliotty and Liam Finnegan

Team D – Kaylee Sayin, Alexa Pacholyk and Kyle Cerny and

Team E - Brennen Catino, Josh Lee, Emma Mannix and Jack Varone

Team F – Lucas Felberbaum, David Harvey, Eli Boyer and Banks Babjak

Polson students compete in robotics tournament
Polson students compete in robotics tournament
Polson students compete in robotics tournament
Polson students compete in robotics tournament
Polson students compete in robotics tournament
Polson students compete in robotics tournament
Polson students compete in robotics tournament
Polson students compete in robotics tournament
Polson students compete in robotics tournament
Polson students compete in robotics tournament
Polson students compete in robotics tournament
Polson students compete in robotics tournament
Polson students compete in robotics tournament