K-8 Math
Dear Parents and Families,
Thank you for all the support you have given your child during this school year. Now that summer is upon us, we encourage you to find time to incorporate math at home. Playing games, solving real world problems, and using technology are just a few fun ways to help our students retain their number sense, further develop their computational fluency and challenge themselves.
We have created Summer Math Google Classrooms where you can find activities and other resources for your child to engage with math this summer. If your child has yet to join, they will need to log into their Madison Public Schools Google account when joining the Google Classroom.
For students entering 1 - 3: The code to join the Jeffery and Ryerson Summer Math Google Classroom is: k4e3acg. You will find many activities and a variety of ways your child can engage in math activities this summer. Your child came home in June with a packet of key skills to practice this summer. It is also linked in the Google Classroom. Please hold onto the packet and return it with your child when we come back to school in August.
For students entering grades 4 - 5: The code to join the Brown Summer Math Google Classroom is: y6ua6da. You will find many activities and a variety of ways your child can engage in math activities this summer. Your child came home in June with a packet of key skills to practice this summer. It is also linked in the Google Classroom. Please hold onto the packet and return it with your child when we come back to school in August.
For students entering grades 6 - 8: The code to join the Polson Summer Math Google Classroom is: ghlub3. You will find a table of important prerequisite skills and concepts needed as you enter a new grade. There are links to support your practice in the right hand column. We’ve targeted math skills that will have the greatest impact towards your success in the Fall. The packet of practice that students were given in June is linked at their grade level too - teachers will ask for this work in the first week or two of school.