Daniel Hand High School

Welcome to the DHHS Suggested Summer Reading List! 

Q:  What do I have to do for summer reading?

All Daniel Hand High School students are encouraged to complete a minimum of four titles by the start of school and asked to enter their reading into a Summer Reading Google Form upon returning to school.

Q:  What do I have to read?  

A:  It depends on what English and World Language classes you are taking during the 24-25 school year.  Click on Course Specific Suggestions and find your English and/or World Language class to find suggestions based on each course.   Many titles are recommendations from Hand students .

Many AP and Honors classes have specific requirements,  see the Honors & AP Requirements page.

Q:  Where can I get the books?

A:  The Scranton Library has a wide array of books and digital resources.  You can also find ebooks and audiobooks through Sora which students can access using their Student ID number.   

Q:  Why do I have to do this?   

A:  Reading helps you grow.  It can inspire you and help you wrestle with complex ideas.  Reading can help you relax or cause you to wonder.  Reading regularly will help prepare you for the volume and stamina you will need for college-level material.

Challenge yourself!  Enjoy yourself!  

Enjoy your summer! We cannot wait to hear all about the books you selected to read.