Grade 1

Welcome First Graders!

During your summer break, we hope that you continue to practice your reading or your listening.  The list below should serve as a guide, it contains some of our most loved authors for first graders, favorite series, graphic novels, and the 2025 Nutmeg Nominees. However, you are free to read whatever you enjoy! Readers read what they love! 

To keep up your reading stamina, you are encourage to read 20 minutes a day, either independently or with a partner.

The Scranton Library is an invaluable resource to help you connect  with books, ebooks, audiobooks, magazines and opportunities to participate in fun summer programs.

Please keep track of your reading by either filling out a Summer Reading Recording Sheet of all titles that you've read and submit it to your teacher in September or by participating in the Scranton Summer Reading program which tracks minutes read over the summer.

Happy Reading!

Book recording sheet for grades k-3